Wednesday, February 14, 2007


What a stupid day. As if seeing the source of my pained heart regularly wasn't enough of a reminder, there has to be some bullshit holiday dedicated to something I've never had. I'll be spending this holiday exactly like I've spent the previous bunch of holidays- doing nothing with mydamnself. Luckily on this holiday the city isn't closed down so I can at least go get some coffee.

"Oh, I know, I know that heart, that wild but grateful heart, gentlemen of the jury! It will bow before your mercy; it thirsts for a great and loving deed, it will be won over and mount upwards. There are souls which, in their limitation, blame the whole world. But subdue such a soul with mercy, show it love, and it will cure its past, for there are many good impulses in it. Such a heart will expand and see that God is merciful and that men are good and just."

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