Thursday, February 1, 2007

The sound a doggie makes

Run! Quickly! Hurry to the store, stock up on bread and milk and water and batteries (and beer), before they run out! No school tomorrow! University closed! Government buildings shut down! FREAK OUT! Because OMG!!!... it's 40 degrees and raining. Dumbasses.

   hey i was wondering if u would be interested in being my princess ? cause baby u r absolutley gorgeous and id love to chat with u so hit me up asap thanks alot josh  Jan. 12, 2007

Look familiar? (see a previous post) The SAME Joshua that has sent me two very similar messages. This guy just won't quit. He also just can't be bothered with punctuation or capitalization, or hell, complete words. I mean, who has time for that shit?

   Hot Chicks. With douchebags. A common occurance. 
   Updated every Sunday. A favorite of mine.
   So very cute. I just threw up in my mouth a little.
    Legos are the best!   
   It's me. There has to be at least one link devoted to 'em.


Heat pads and IcyHot: they're not just for old people anymore.

I want my head to stop hurting. Hopefully the new specs will take care of it. If not, off to another doctor I go. I have deep optic nerves. That means nothing.

Every time I form a scab, you rip it off. Stop it. Though I've already been growing tougher, harder-to-damage scar tissue. Which is probably good. I am caring less and less every day.

I must relearn high school math. I have 21 days to do so.

Movie? More internet time-wasting? Finish this freakin' book I've been reading for ages? Or perhaps I should do laundry and dishes and that sort of domestic crap. Eating is something I need to look into as well. Probably just sleep. Been doing a lot of that lately. Ooops. Nope. Phone just rang. I now have plans!! That doesn't happen very often anymore. Off to Tasty World to see a dear old friend I haven't seen in a while!

And how are you?

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