Saturday, March 24, 2007

That dandelion may be pretty...

but it's still just a weed.

Today was a day of zero percent productivity. Though it was absolutely beautiful outside and I had things I should have been doing like going to buy cat food, I instead woke up and immediately found myself staring into a deep hole in the ground and then decided I'd rather just sleep all day. So yeah, I got nothing accomplished. That is if you don't count the burning of bridges and destruction of the last remnants of goodwill (if not friendship) between myself and someone I care far too much for. Even though that whole caring sentiment is very one-sided, that is still not the person I want to be. Way to go, me.

For those of you who have my phone number, be advised that I will be cancelling my text messaging capabilities, for a little while at least. Having such a non-commital and non-personal form of communication literally at my fingertips has become a Very Bad Idea. It's getting me into more trouble than it's worth (see above), so away it goes. Also, I have lots and lots of minutes I never use. From now on, if you need to tell me something, call me. If I don't answer, leave a message. Let's take it back to 1999. Shit, maybe I'll just trade in the cellular and get a landline and a pager instead... Thanks, yo.

Back to the deep hole... huh. That's not so PG-sounding. Anyway. After deciding to just sleep all day rather than deal with life, it's dinner time. Hurray for freezing individually-sized packages of chili I made 6 weeks ago! After that, a night out (again) with Martha. I've been going out more often again, and need to stop that. Or at least need to stop drinking so much beer. On more than one occasion recently, beer has taken the place of dinner. But more importantly, I need to stop spending the cash. Also, drinking rarely chases the gloomies away, at least not in the end. But whatever. It's not like I have anything else to do, for lack of wanting to pick any more fights or sever more ties.

How telling that everything in my house, in my existence is individually-portioned. Single-servings. If someone were to come over right now, I couldn't even offer to have a beer with them, because I have only one. I do have a little Kool-aid left, but that's about it. We could share the one bag of potato chips, or split that cookie in half, but in the end it's just not enough to go around.

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