Thursday, March 8, 2007

Stuffy. Sneezy. Sleepy. Nope, not dwarves, but how I'm feeling today.
Dwarf is one of only three (legitimate) words in the English language that begin with 'DW'. The other two are dwell and dwindle. This obviously doesn't include other forms of these three words, as they are really still the same word. Sorry to say that 'dweeb' also doesn't count because that is considered slang.

St. Johns Wort is making a little difference (to me at least). Enough that I will keep taking it.

The Belle Buster is currently bell-less. Oh where have you gone, lovely trumpet? Did you travel to Mobile with Peelander-Z? Did Guff squirrel you away in their practice space? Or did some fucktard abduct you, only to either brutally assault you or sell you off on the black market? Please come home.

Yay, bike. Not just a porch ornament anymore.

Hey neighbor... you seem like a nice guy. But please don't forget to let your dog in so that he can bark up a storm between the hours of 3am and 4:15am, which is the time I finally managed to get back to sleep. I will say that I was a little concerned and thought about coming over to knock on your door to make sure you weren't dead since you don't usually leave your dog out.

The clarinet will be getting a little more action soon as well. Not only will I continue playing with the good ol' Classic City Band, but I will also begin playing with the Northwinds Symphonic Band in Gainesville. I'm looking forward to playing in a faster-paced ensemble and more challenging repertoire. Now if only the Athens Symphony would realize they need more than two clarinet players. I really miss orchestral playing.
Ugh. Why didn't I go to grad school when I was still good? Oh, yeah. Because the professional music world isn't much different than your standard high school cafeteria. Gossip, back-stabbing, diva mentalities, over-the-top and unnecessary competing for everything... it's all there. Squabbles, cliques, 'the popular kids'. Except that it's all full-grown adults. Yeah, that's a big reason why I gave up on 'legit' music. I decided that wasn't the environment I wanted to be immersed in for the rest of my life.

But I do still really miss it. Three years ago, UC-CCM could've happened. Or UMich. Or Indiana. But not anymore. Not even if I still wanted to.

But if I had gone, where would I be now? Not here, not waiting tables, not so broken, that's for damn sure. Of course, the other side is that now I could be in the military, which is a very common option for fresh-out-of-school kids with music performance degrees. And I doubt I'd be liking that much either.

A couple months ago I filled out an online 'comment card' for Papa John's. I told them they needed a space on their online ordering form where customers could give specific directions to their houses, or even just some landmarks. This is because every time I order pizza it takes them two phone calls from the driver and an hour or more to find my house, which is 5 minutes from the store. I live on a 'closed' street, so it doesn't show up on their maps correctly. All I'd have to be able to tell them would be 'not on your map, 3 blocks down Atlanta Ave on the right' and they should find the place fine. Anyway, today I received a 'please try us again' letter that was actually signed by the district-manager-type and two 'free pizza' coupons. Hell yeah.

Also I found $5 in the pocket of a pair of pants I tried on at Cillie's.

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