Sunday, April 22, 2007

floating upon the surface for the birds

I am supposed to be going to Gainesville today for a rehearsal. But the woman I am riding with has not returned my calls, and she was not at CCB rehearsal on Tuesday. So I guess I took a day off work for nothing.

Why is it that the only people (read: guys) who show an interest in me are people with whom I have absolutely NOTHING in common? Which therefore makes me not interested. Plus I suck at the whole flirting/hanging out/dating/whatever thing anyway, so when this situation pops up I tend to just sort of ignore it and hope it goes away. I also tend to never show my own interest in someone (read: a guy), which apparently has caused a lot of people who don't really know me to assume I'm a lesbian. NEWSFLASH: Erin likes guys.

No matter... MySpace advertisements to the rescue! This was the ad posted on my page when I logged in today:

Notice the location...  So that's where all the hot, rich young men have been hiding out!

My backyard is reaching jungle-like proportions. A few weeks ago, I went out there and collected all the dead branches that had fallen from my nasty-ass pecan tree (I hate those things. They aren't pretty and they drop shit constantly whether it be leaves or that stringy crap that gets stuck in your hair or actual pecans or then later the pecan pod thingys and then most of the branches... it never ends) and made a nice little pile of dead wood up against my back fence. First, I thought it would save the landlord a little time when he showed up to mow the yard; second, I want to get one of those firebowl things (because I'm afraid the landlord will freak if I just make a firepit in the yard) and figured that I'd just burn up the branches some nice night. Well, I get home the other day and notice the gate is open. The yard is still knee-high, but all my branches are gone! Duder took my sticks. And didn't cut the grass. Jerk.

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