Saturday, April 7, 2007

Way over yonder in the minor key

I can't think of a good opening to this right now. Reminds me of my years of writing papers for school... I always had the most trouble with the opening paragraph and the closing paragraph. I suppose waiting until 10 pm the night before due date could have had something to do with it, but strangely enough, my paper-writing methods parallel the way I live. Beginnings are awkward and forced, endings are short and rather inconclusive, often just sort of fading out, and the entire affair is put off until the last possible moment so that the final result is a hastily-assembled sloppy bag o'shit that stresses me out more than it should. This applies to people, work, school, everything.

Someone asked me the other day if I miss text-messaging. What a ridiculous thing to think about! Missing something like that; an intangible, mindless, and unnecessary thing. It's not a hobby, for chrissakes. You miss your old best friend or your long-dead dog or playing the piano or the coin/comic book collection your parents threw away when you went off to college. You know, things that mean a lot to you emotionally. Not text-messaging. Yes, there are times when I would like to use it for simplicity's sake, or even for fun (i.e. sending pictures), but I don't miss it and it's not worth the $0.15 it would now cost to use.

Speaking of text messaging... "Oh, I would have told you we were out, but you said not to text you, and I sent a text telling everyone where we were." Lame.

Still no word from ATC. I hope they get on it. I have things to plan.

My efforts at finding a new 'core' of people to spend my time with seem to be futile. At least in terms of them being anything more than superficial interactions. And I'm also getting the impression that I'm not particularly welcome. I sense a change in atmosphere when I show up. 'No Vacancy', flashes the neon sign.

I'm tempted to just not ever go back. But that's bad for business. I am hoping to be at least cutting back on my hours a little bit in order to try another venture. My contact person is out of town until Monday, so I don't even know the details myself. And I've had more than one false-alert, so I'm not going to get my hopes up (ha, gotta have 'em first) about this. It would be nice for something to work out for once.

When I see a spider outside, I think it's neat. When I see a spider inside, I think it needs to go back outside, but still it's pretty neat.  When something has been poking me in the upper thigh for 20 minutes and in frustration at this little irritation I shake out my jeans leg and a spider (bigger than a quarter) falls out, yeah, then I don't think it's neat.

Good god. I need a jump start.   

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