Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sleep on the floor, dream about me

One serving of Cheez-It brand snack crackers equals 27 crackers.

When I was little I had a whole collection of books from the "I Can Read" series. I'm suddenly remembering that some of them were the most enchanting little stories, and many had beautiful illustrations. I really wish I still had them. Particularly the Little Bear stories. I also wish I still had my Sweet Pickles books.

I went to buy a new bus pass today, and the woman at the counter asked me if I wanted the Youth pass or the Adult pass. I know I look younger than my age, but come on...

After the blowup of last Thursday, things are better. Still not talked about, but better.

I want a new job. I want a job that has any sort of relevance to my current course of study. Moreso, I want a job that is not in a restaurant. Unfortunately, it's hard to find such a job that will not conflict with being in school again.

I got yelled at by a cop the other night for not having a headlight on my bike.

Last night, Kevin's car broke down, and he wasn't able to make it to Taco Stand for trivia. So I ran the whole show by myself. His wife arranged for the equipment and questions to be dropped off. It sort of sucked. I'm not the greatest at public speaking, and having to speak into the microphone freaked me out. I'm not all witty and crap like Kevin is. And the crowd was sort of crappy...  either way, I got through it. Hopefully next week things will be back to normal.

I should have gotten the Youth pass.

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