Saturday, September 29, 2007

So, pot and booze aren't the only things you gotta worry about

Yeah. No, thanks. Guess I won't be swimming in any lakes any time soon.
(taken from Yahoo! News)

6 die from brain-eating amoeba in lakes
By CHRIS KAHN, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 28, 2:18 PM ET

PHOENIX - It sounds like science fiction but it's true: A killer amoeba living in lakes enters the body through the nose and attacks the brain where it feeds until you die.

Even though encounters with the microscopic bug are extraordinarily rare, it's killed six boys and young men this year. The spike in cases has health officials concerned, and they are predicting more cases in the future.
"This is definitely something we need to track," said Michael Beach, a specialist in recreational waterborne illnesses for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"This is a heat-loving amoeba. As water temperatures go up, it does better," Beach said. "In future decades, as temperatures rise, we'd expect to see more cases."

According to the CDC, the amoeba called Naegleria fowleri (nuh-GLEER-ee-uh FOWL'-erh-eye) killed 23 people in the United States, from 1995 to 2004. This year health officials noticed a spike with six cases — three in Florida, two in Texas and one in Arizona. The CDC knows of only several hundred cases worldwide since its discovery in Australia in the 1960s.

In Arizona, David Evans said nobody knew his son, Aaron, was infected with the amoeba until after the 14-year-old died on Sept. 17. At first, the teen seemed to be suffering from nothing more than a headache.

"We didn't know," Evans said. "And here I am: I come home and I'm burying him."

After doing more tests, doctors said Aaron probably picked up the amoeba a week before while swimming in the balmy shallows of Lake Havasu, a popular man-made lake on the Colorado River between Arizona and California.

Though infections tend to be found in southern states, Naegleria lives almost everywhere in lakes, hot springs, even dirty swimming pools, grazing off algae and bacteria in the sediment.

Beach said people become infected when they wade through shallow water and stir up the bottom. If someone allows water to shoot up the nose — say, by doing a somersault in chest-deep water — the amoeba can latch onto the olfactory nerve.

The amoeba destroys tissue as it makes its way up into the brain, where it continues the damage, "basically feeding on the brain cells," Beach said.

People who are infected tend to complain of a stiff neck, headaches and fevers. In the later stages, they'll show signs of brain damage such as hallucinations and behavioral changes, he said.

Once infected, most people have little chance of survival. Some drugs have stopped the amoeba in lab experiments, but people who have been attacked rarely survive, Beach said.

"Usually, from initial exposure it's fatal within two weeks," he said.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A poor man's roses or a rich man's gold...

Last Thursday I called the Health Department about a rabies vaccine. They said I could just come in and get the shot, no appointment, and that they had the vaccine already. Today, on my day off, I was going to go and get it. But then they told me I had to order it and it will take a week to come in. Somebody lied to me. Boo. This vaccine is also going to cost $512.25. Yes. That much.

To offset the above bad news (mostly the price, but also the fact that I need to do this NOW so I can be finished with the series by Oct. 30), here is a picture of two of my cats being cute. Oliver loves his Joe.

Friday, September 21, 2007

One bourbon, one shot, one beer

I just got a tetanus shot. I haven't gotten any vaccines since 1986. The doctor didn't give me a lollypop or a sticker afterwards like when you were little. That would have been rad. Next up; a rabies shot (or three). Can't wait, lemme tell ya.

As of yet, I am undecided. Amidst all the problems, I still want to keep the hope alive. I'm just not sure how much longer that's going to last. There needs to be some serious discussion of things, not just letters written back and forth (sober ones). The issues have been mentioned, now we need to try to come up with some solutions. This will be like pulling teeth, I'm sure.

Today I came home from the doc to find a pretty little snake on my front porch. I took a picture of him with my phone, but am too cheap to pay the messaging fee to send it to my email to post here. Just take my word for it... he was cute. Then I came in the house to find a mysterious box sitting in my kitchen. A box containing a toaster. No note or anything, though I can only think of one person who would do such a thing, and knowing that this person knew that I did in fact need a toaster (mine blew up a few weeks ago mid-toasting) helps explain it some. Still, gifts tend to freak me out when they aren't for any type of occasion. Especially when they are just randomly left in the house with no card or whatever. I sort of want to just leave it where it is until I know for sure.

I really want a bass clarinet. If I wasn't so damn broke right now, what with having to buy all these vaccines and school-related stuff (which I still have A LOT to get), I'd treat myself. I'll peruse eBay anyway, see if I stumble onto anything, but it just isn't in the cards right now. The reason is because a guy I know that plays with the Athens Symphony told me today they need a bass clarinet player, and he thought of me. I have wanted to play with them for a while since I miss orchestral playing, and they actually did have an opening for a clarinet this season. But I forgot about it, and the position wasn't exactly publicly advertised, so I missed out on that. Oh well...

Grrr. My arm is all stiff and stuff.

Also, according to the doctor I am exactly 60 inches tall and weigh 122.4 lbs. I have gained weight. Boo.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A whole week dedicated to those like me... party on!

For anyone out there who is feeling lonely or unloved and wishes they had that special Significant Other, it's time to put those woes aside and paint the town red... we got our own holiday! I wonder if I can get out of work for this.

 I found the phrase 'Grab your cats and a bottle of warm white wine' particularly appropriate. Though I have no white wine. I DO have a frozen pizza, though. And cats.

(copied from
Although I'm rarely accused of "having good timing" (or tact, for that matter), it seems that my luck has finally turned: Today I've parted ways with the jerk, er, guy I was seeing, just in time for the nonstop thrill ride that is National Singles Week. Er, excuse me -- National Unmarried and Singles Americans Week. Because I am nothing if not a serious investigative journalist, I did a hard-hitting piece on the phenomenon that's sweeping our nation: Celebrating being single during an assigned week! Most reporters would shy away from such a controversial subject. Not me. It's all about the story, people. With that, today's column, Party of One. Cue "All By Myself."
Party of one
If you're one of the 95 million Americans who stubbornly refuse to join in wedded bliss, the commemorative holiday you've been feverishly anticipating is finally here. That's right, spouse-less slackers, it's National Unmarried And Single Americans Week! Possessors of a marriage license, get thee to the sleepy bedroom 'burbs. This week is NOT for you!
As for the rest -- I know it's difficult to contain your exuberance.
      You've no doubt already planned several rollicking events, probably involving whipped cream and speed dating. After all, times when you can officially celebrate not having a ball & chain come but once a year. (Excluding bachelor parties. Obviously.)
The esteemed holiday was founded in 1984 by a courageous group of Ohioans called the Buckeye Singles Council, who clearly had too much free time on their (ring-less) hands. Disgruntled with the smug marrieds in their state, they decided that they just wouldn't stand for it anymore.

No longer....
No longer would they ignore the blatant favoritism accorded to those with marriage certificates!
No longer would they put up with the inferior status of those without contractual agreements sealed with large, expensive parties involving multi-tiered cakes!
No longer would they answer their mother's insistent phone calls about "that nice Jewish orthodontist"!
They retaliated by proclaiming that forthwith, the third week in September would be reserved solely for honoring unmarried people throughout the nation as well as creating awareness of the rampant discrimination against their kind.
Oh, you think the unattached don't really suffer discrimination? I bet you're married, you single-hater!

Stigma and embarrassment
According to one dating expert I spoke with, "There is still a stigma and embarrassment about being alone."
Yeah! Here's to all the stigmatized, embarrassed singles out there. Grab your cats and a bottle of warm white wine and raise a toast to life without joint tax returns, "checking in," and mandatory visits with ugly in-laws.
"This week single people are finally given permission to actually get out and enjoy themselves," the expert explained.
      Singles are the only people who DON'T need permission to go enjoy themselves!
Beyond that, how should we losers without wedding bands celebrate this momentous occasion? Alcohol, nudity, repeated trips to Scores?
According to the expert, we can "get a good night's sleep, hang out with friends, or go for a great haircut."
Personally, I was leaning towards the alcohol and nudity, but okay. I guess a haircut sounds nice too.
And of course, nothing says "I'm going all out to properly commemorate National Unmarried and Single Americans Week" like getting a good night's sleep.
I knew this was going to be the Best Week Ever.
Julia Allison is the editor-at-large for Star Magazine and Time Out New York's dating columnist. She appears daily as an on-air commentator on Fox, E!, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and has written for Cosmopolitan, Maxim, New York, Teen Vogue, Seventeen, The Huffington Post and Men's Health. Julia got her start as the first college dating columnist at Georgetown University. Read her blog at

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am destroyer, I am lover.

Shit, man. Though I have been fairly successful in eliminating the bad habit of drunk-texting (a particular person), I blew that out of the water last night with the equally-bad drunk-handwritten-note. And the stupid part is that it was just supposed to be a "hey, wanted to say Hi" note, but in the hazy and overly emotional state I was in at that point, it of course turned into a messily-scrawled "what the hell is going on with us? please just tell me what you want, etc etc etc" note instead. On the back of a Chili's receipt, I think. God, I am such a retard.

And I really need to lay off the booze, dude. Too much of it lately, and it's starting to make me not only do dumb-ass shit, but make me feel all bloated and fat and heavy. I didn't used to have this problem, and maybe it comes with getting older (similar to how going out requires recovery time later nowadays), but I find that my emotions/thoughts get out-of-check when I drink a lot. Not all the time, but all it takes is someone or something to set it off, get me thinking, and then they just run wild. Last night was fine until an aquaintance I was hanging out with decided to inform me that he's always liked me, and what the hell was I doing with so-and-so because he's such an asshole, blah blah, I can do better than that, and then when I try to justify things (not that I have to, because frankly it's no one else's business) gets all defensive and says they don't even want to hear about that guy, don't even talk about him, etc. (And maybe this got to me more last night because I heard almost the exact same thing from a different aquaintance a week ago...). So then I start thinking and decide that I have shit that admittedly has been on my mind for a few weeks, but that I need to say it NOW but I can't talk in person and no texting and it's important and I need to know blah blah blah.

Next thing you know, I'm leaving a stupid note that I immediately wanted to go back and get the second I walked out of the house but didn't want to go back in. So today I will shut myself in and not answer his phone calls because I'm embarrassed and don't want to have to explain it or even acknowledge it. Which won't help anything at all.

I just want to be normal. And do normal things. And have normal relationships. And think normal thoughts. However it seems I'm doomed to dysfunction and fucking shit up. That's what I was born into, so I know nothing else.

Here comes the rain.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How many ninjas would it take to kick your ass?

It seems that September 4 is a bad day for people named Steve. Searching began for adventurer Steve Fossett and his plane, which never showed up at his destination on Monday. It was also the one-year anniversary of the stingray-barbing death of Steve Irwin. Crazy how it doesn't seem like it's been a year. Time is starting to pass by me too quickly.

No more speeches for me! So glad to have that out of the way... Next up; Microbiology, College Algebra, and Introduction to Veterinary Technology.

The burrito I ate is giving me a little bit of heartburn. Blech. I think I'll kill it off with some ice cream.

Today I was introduced to a guy named Ian. He then asked me if I was "The Stencil Girl" that he sees all over town. Only one other person has asked me about that, but this was someone I already knew. Sort of strange to be recognized like that. And yes, I am The Stencil Girl. But where all over town are these things? I only know of two.

So many things I've been putting off.

The Dictatortots are playing tomorrow at the 40 Watt. Come watch. We say bad words.

I just don't know anymore...

Monday, September 3, 2007