Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How many ninjas would it take to kick your ass?

It seems that September 4 is a bad day for people named Steve. Searching began for adventurer Steve Fossett and his plane, which never showed up at his destination on Monday. It was also the one-year anniversary of the stingray-barbing death of Steve Irwin. Crazy how it doesn't seem like it's been a year. Time is starting to pass by me too quickly.

No more speeches for me! So glad to have that out of the way... Next up; Microbiology, College Algebra, and Introduction to Veterinary Technology.

The burrito I ate is giving me a little bit of heartburn. Blech. I think I'll kill it off with some ice cream.

Today I was introduced to a guy named Ian. He then asked me if I was "The Stencil Girl" that he sees all over town. Only one other person has asked me about that, but this was someone I already knew. Sort of strange to be recognized like that. And yes, I am The Stencil Girl. But where all over town are these things? I only know of two.

So many things I've been putting off.

The Dictatortots are playing tomorrow at the 40 Watt. Come watch. We say bad words.

I just don't know anymore...

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