Friday, September 21, 2007

One bourbon, one shot, one beer

I just got a tetanus shot. I haven't gotten any vaccines since 1986. The doctor didn't give me a lollypop or a sticker afterwards like when you were little. That would have been rad. Next up; a rabies shot (or three). Can't wait, lemme tell ya.

As of yet, I am undecided. Amidst all the problems, I still want to keep the hope alive. I'm just not sure how much longer that's going to last. There needs to be some serious discussion of things, not just letters written back and forth (sober ones). The issues have been mentioned, now we need to try to come up with some solutions. This will be like pulling teeth, I'm sure.

Today I came home from the doc to find a pretty little snake on my front porch. I took a picture of him with my phone, but am too cheap to pay the messaging fee to send it to my email to post here. Just take my word for it... he was cute. Then I came in the house to find a mysterious box sitting in my kitchen. A box containing a toaster. No note or anything, though I can only think of one person who would do such a thing, and knowing that this person knew that I did in fact need a toaster (mine blew up a few weeks ago mid-toasting) helps explain it some. Still, gifts tend to freak me out when they aren't for any type of occasion. Especially when they are just randomly left in the house with no card or whatever. I sort of want to just leave it where it is until I know for sure.

I really want a bass clarinet. If I wasn't so damn broke right now, what with having to buy all these vaccines and school-related stuff (which I still have A LOT to get), I'd treat myself. I'll peruse eBay anyway, see if I stumble onto anything, but it just isn't in the cards right now. The reason is because a guy I know that plays with the Athens Symphony told me today they need a bass clarinet player, and he thought of me. I have wanted to play with them for a while since I miss orchestral playing, and they actually did have an opening for a clarinet this season. But I forgot about it, and the position wasn't exactly publicly advertised, so I missed out on that. Oh well...

Grrr. My arm is all stiff and stuff.

Also, according to the doctor I am exactly 60 inches tall and weigh 122.4 lbs. I have gained weight. Boo.

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