Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The all-natural cat toy

I used to regularly find large wood roaches, slugs, and stink bugs in my house. Lately, this has changed to green anoles. I like the little lizards much more, but so do my cats. This doesn't bode well for the anoles.

The first I found a few weeks ago, and by the time I found him, he was very dead. Monday evening, a second one was presented to me by Oliver (while I was on the toilet- great timing, cat), who was very proud of his catch. This guy wasn't dead, but spent the next 6 hours completely unconscious in a little Tupperware enclosure I made complete with leaves and bark and mist and a platic wrap lid. Yes, I punched holes in the plastic... I was happy to see him awake and recovered this morning, so I released him. Then this afternoon while napping I was jerked awake by a freaking out Sadie, who was chasing another anole along my bedroom wall and window. Luckily I caught her without incident, and before the cats actually got to her, so she got out with all her parts (the guy from yesterday lost his tail).

I wonder where these things are coming from? I figure as long as it's just anoles and not scorpions or copperheads or vampire bats, I'm cool. I just don't want to keep coming home to find lizard pieces all over my house.

Now for sleep. Long day tomorrow.

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