Saturday, October 27, 2007

Drop it like it's Hot...or Not.

This week I've written no blogs (until now, obviously). This week I've had 54 views. Who is reading my brain spewage? I should put a disclaimer on here: "Warning: Self-depricating, pessimistic, poorly-written writings ahead. Please wear eye protection. Management is not responsible for soured moods, IQ depreciation due to bad grammar, or overdose of elipses, parentheses, or bullshit. Thank you."

Out of curiousity I clicked "Ranking Score" under the "View My" menu. I guess sometime a long time ago I put a photo there, which I'm guessing is no longer on my profile since there was just a box with a red X. Why people do this I have no idea. Aren't we all tired of being judged? So why subject yourself to more judging, this time on such a superficial level? Anyway, it told me that my average score was a 4.0. Now I've never claimed to be a hottie by any means; I do own a mirror and I do see 'the competition' every day... but, this 4.0 ranking was based on ZERO votes. WTF? Zero people voted the non-existant photo an average of 4.0.

Perhaps this is proof of some sort of higher power? Maybe God himself is like, "Damn. Made in My image?? I don't think so... 4." Because I would guess that if there is a God He would probably be a 10. Or at least we'd all tell him that so as not to be cast into the Lake of Fire or whatever the hell it's called.

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