Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Please get out of the way."

I got a B in algebra. And microbiology. Fine with me, considering I put minimal effort into both of those classes. Rocked an A in VET 101 too. Yeah, I'm awesome.

I'll be leaving for Cincinnati on Sunday. I didn't go last year, so it should be interesting. My family up there is very conservative, and every time they see me, someone has to act shocked and comment on my nose ring, of all things. "When did you do that??" is always the question. Funny thing is I've had it for a long time, and they've all seen it at least once before. This year however... they don't know about the tattoo. I might keep it that way. Just one more thing for them to rail me on...

Also, speaking of leaving for Cincy, I need a cat sitter. I mean, you don't have to come hang out with them- Joe's the only one who'd be truly down with hanging out with a semi-stranger. Sadie would watch from a distance, and maybe sidle up for some loving after about 15 minutes. Oliver will be under the bed or in my closet. The whole time. You may see him streak past in a full-out run on the way to one of these places when he realizes the person who came through the front door isn't me. Nope, just feed and water them. And scoop the litter. That's the big one. I can put out enough food and water for a week, but that box can't go a week or I come home to great fun. I mean, you can hang out if you want, watch a movie, whatever. Just don't steal my shit. So, any takers?

Grill holiday party was Monday. Fun, but not the epic blowout of years past. No band; karaoke instead. Not at The Grill; upstairs Tasty World instead. Very few old-school employees... well, really only one or two. Eh. Was made furious by observing the actions of a 19-year-old soon-to-be-ex-coworker. Walked home alone.

I bought car insurance today. Tomorrow I have to go do the tag/title thing. Then I have to charge the battery because I was a dumbass and forgot to start the damn thing for a while. And then I get to learn to drive! Wooo!

I joined Facebook. What the hell is wrong with me? One thing though... I'm not fond of the layout or the editing capabilities. Also, you can't just look at profiles unless you're part of some network or something. Still trying to figure it out. 3 hours in, I've already got 3 friends!

Um. That's all really. I gotta pee. And I'm cold. And sleepy.

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