Thursday, January 3, 2008

I've got nowhere to go, and noone to see

Welcome to the South:
ATM attack blamed on snowfall mania

A man who beat on an ATM Tuesday night claimed he was excited about a light snowfall, but police think he and his friends may have been trying to break into the machine, Athens-Clarke police said.

Officers were dispatched at about 11 p.m. to the Bank of America at the corner of Hawthorne and Prince avenues on a report of three suspicious men who were banging on an ATM, police said.

Brian James Begeal, 21, told officers he was "hitting on (the ATM) because he is a drummer and this was the first time he had ever seen snow fall," according to police.

Begeal and one of his companions, 18-year-old Simon Andrew Cotterell, each had a backpack containing a pry bar, bolt cutters, screwdrivers, pliers, a razor knife and a flashlight, police said, and both were charged with possession of burglary tools.

The third man, 20-year-old Frank Louis Ovinnio, said if he knew his friends had the tools he wouldn't have been with them because he is trying to become a police officer, police said.

The three men were charged with loitering or prowling, police said.

Published in the Athens Banner-Herald on 010308

I am broke. Well, almost. I have a few jobs I've applied for that I am still waiting to hear about, but I can't be jobless much longer. I'll have to do the restaurant BS again I think, but I hate to take a job somewhere only to leave after a few weeks should my first choices work out...

I've been given one more reason not to trust you. Say what you want, but I do view things differently than you. And most recently you even said exactly what I've been saying for a while now. It's just too late.

I went to Ohio for a week. It was cold there. I came back to Athens, and it went and got cold here. Colder than Ohio even. I didn't bring it back, I promise. I did get to have dinner with Martha and Jon in Cincinnati, as they were passing through on their drive back from Canada. They crashed for the evening in my Grandma's basement. Good times.

If I don't have a cold anymore, why do I still get snot crusties in my nose? Not fair.

I took some pictures on New Years Eve, but I will never see them. My camera disappeared somewhere between Mercury Lounge and Martha's house. It may be in the back seat of the car we rode in, but I'll check the two other places it may be as well. Though it's really not that big of a deal- the camera wasn't that nice (it had already broken apart a couple times that night, but I'd put it back together), and the only pictures on it were from that night. Oh well.

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