Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The first original post for this location

Will be a quick one. I have to leave for work in 5 minutes.

Nothing on this page before this blog was intended for this location. The most recent 7 or so came from my Facebook notes. All other previous blogs are from my rarely-visited MySpace page. At first I thought about abandoning it all. But there are rantings and remorsings going back 4 years, maybe longer. And while they aren't all that insightful or well-written or provocative, they are evidence of what my head was doing at that particular time. So I decided to try and get everything into one spot that might be a little more accessible.

As there is no way to simply import/export MySpace blogs to another forum, I'm having to copy/paste each one individually, and edit the time stamps to reflect the original posting date. So I am not finished. Also, I'm not really advertising this blog except though a link on my Facebook page (which you have to be my friend to see), and maybe by just letting some friends know that if they want to read my ridiculousness they can go here instead of there.

This is a work in progress. I need a better name for the blog. I need to figure out how to pretty it up a bit. I need to decide how much personal information I want tied to it (other than the actual pouring out of my heart and mind I do- now that I think about it, it might be best to remain fairly anonymous except to those that actually know me. I really am not as crazy as some of this shit makes me sound, promise).

So. Here is my first attempt at maintaining something not tied to my social networking crap sites. Maybe I'll write more often. Maybe I'll write better pieces. Maybe I'll get famous a la i can has cheezburger. Alright, that's more than a long shot... Or maybe I'll completely forget about this in three weeks and you'll never hear from me again.

Either way. Here it is, birthed into existence.


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