Thursday, December 17, 2009


Before you act. Just think.

You have plenty of time. Why are you in such a hurry? Seriously, what good do you believe you can get from doing all this?

Yes, I hate you. I hate you down to my very being. But I hate you because I love you, and regardless of how much I want you to feel the same pain you caused me, I don't want to see you do something drastic and mess up your life. There is no reason to be running at ludicrous speed- just think, sit on it, see what happens, before you act. Or are you just reacting? Which is even worse. You're going against everything you've ever said, all the things you've believed for a long time, and it's a little alarming.

Even though I think I am 10 times better for you than who you picked and that you would have seen this had you just stood by me through a rough moment in my life. Even though I want to believe that I will be your one big regret and had always hoped you would realize this while there was still time for you to do something about it. Even though I think that I'm supposed to be the girl in this equation. Even though I wish I could believe that you really did love me...

I know that you only thought you did. I know that I am nothing to you, and what I think means nothing to you. I know that you wanted something else. I know you don't miss me in the least and that I am not meant to occupy a space in your life. And I am working through that the best I can. It's slow-going, and though the process may have ended up screwing up more than I was bargaining for, though my sadness may have also completely changed the course of my life, I will heal. I also know you won't see this, and will never know that I do care about you and don't want to see you make a horrible mistake because you won't take the time to let things go naturally.

So please. Just think. Let time help you make your decision. Don't be in such a hurry. There aren't tons of songs about fools rush in, everybody plays the fool, etc. for no reason. Think. If it is meant to be, it will last. So there is no reason to rush into anything. Staking your claim will not change anything, it'll only make it more expensive and time-consuming to fix later should you have been wrong.

That's the best advice in the world really. Just think. Think before you act.

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