Monday, December 7, 2009

Another Brick In The Wall

Are you kidding me? Seriously... WTF is wrong with your brain?

It's been two months. Two. And you're fucking moving in with her? You, the man who swore up and down the whole time I was with you that you didn't believe in such a thing, unless things were very established, because statistically it almost always ends in a break-up. Even if I was still your friend, I'd say this is a horrible idea, that it's setting yourself up for failure. And you know what? I hope this crashes and burns. I hope it ends worse than you can imagine. You deserve it. I didn't, but you do.

Because it was supposed to be me. Not her. Me.

I put in the time. I tore down my walls. I let you in to my heart. Even when my self-preservation mode was at full alarm, telling me to get out while I still could, I stayed. And one day I realized it was too late; that I loved you. Enough to want to spend my life with you, to have a family with you. I truly, deeply, and honestly loved you. And you said you loved me.

But now I wish I had not silenced those bells. I should have listened to my alarms. They are always right.

It was supposed to be me.

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