Sunday, August 13, 2006

I knew it all along.

The blow-offs/silence of the last two days tell me what it is you want. And tell me what I have to do. Because you won't do it yourself. You won't even acknowledge it. Though you want to, and have wanted to, yet have refused to do so for the past couple months (if not even sooner). Because, to use an old cliche again, you want to have your cake and to eat it too.

Also, I learned some things from a very reliable source tonight. Things I sort of already knew, but didn't want to believe. Things that had plenty of hints; the most obvious being the fact that I kept being told that I was "my own person" and could "do what (you) want(ed) to do", among others... I am better than that. You are not, from what I was told. I worry about hurting people. Apparently you do not. You can't have it all forever. Eventually you will have to choose. And the next person won't give you as long as I have. Because they'll be smart enough to get out before it hurts them too much, or they get too involved. Unlike me.

Once again, I've been too nice. I've given too many chances. They're aren't lying when they say the nice guy finishes last.

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