Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Invalid subject line...

I am overly-caffienated right now. I had a cacao at ERC, instead of my usual iced-decaf-whatever. I'm not really digging this jittery feeling.

It looks like I was even less important than I thought, as I am not even worth a reply. Let alone an acknowledgment. Or just simple civility. Amazing how people just throw others away. Amazing how they just don't give a damn.

Depression's a bitch. But it's a great weight-loss program.

I have a couple things in the works. One involves the use of a trumpet. And if those don't pan out, I have a couple other things in the back of my mind. One of which would involve the permission of the landlord for me to get me some subleasers. 

There was a fantastically large spider living just off my front porch, but the storms keep knocking his web down. I hope he sticks around... I could use some company. And bug-eating. Too bad he doesn't eat the slugs that get in my house....


Tonight: My friends Bo and Sarah are having their debut performance at Tasty World as Valentine Wolfe. They go on around 10 pm I think, so come support them!

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