Tuesday, November 6, 2007


It's autumn. I can tell because of the way the air smells. Crisp, clean, a little like leaves, a little like burning wood, a lot like something else I really can't place. Not like summer, which smells like a wet dog and hot asphalt, and is almost thick enough to drown in. Autumn smells like the complete opposite of Summer. Yes, the cooling temperature, changing leaves and 'falling back' an hour are all indications of autumn, but I don't believe it until I smell it. I smell it every day now, and though I'm not big on cold, I love that smell.

I'm having one of those days where I feel like I'm forgetting something. Like maybe I'm supposed to be somewhere or be doing something in particular. I have nothing written down, and I can't think of anything I normally do on a Tuesday about this time. So if there is anyone out there who I've just stood up, or didn't call, or whatever, sorry. I forgot.

I'm having bad luck with that Rabies vaccination again... it's a series of 3 shots that have to be taken on a schedule. I went out to the Health Department earlier this afternoon to get my last shot (the third one is the only one where there is a little leeway- you can get it anytime between Day 21 and Day 28 of your vax schedule). Last Thursday was Day 21, but as I was a little, um, we'll say ill, I decided to wait until today to go get stuck. There I'm told that their refridgerator conked out and all the vaccines were messed up and had to be reordered, so they don't have it. Thursday is Day 28. The lady said it should be in tomorrow or Thursday, but usually when they say two days it really means two weeks. So if I miss this last shot, I may have to start the entire process over again. Of course, this is completely out of my control, so my teachers can't get mad at me over this. And the only thing I am really concerned with is that if I have to start the whole series again because of this, are they going to try to make me pay for it? There's no way I'm dropping another 5 bills on that. The lady said they wouldn't, but it is a government entity, and we all know they like money, so we'll see.

My slight irritation at this situation disappeared when I walked outside. Not only is that smell that I love in the air on a lovely, though a bit windy, sunny day, but I saw a guy go jogging down Harris Street with his dog on a leash. Now, a guy jogging with a dog is by no means a rare sight in this town. And I like both dogs and guys, but them jogging together usually not an occurance of note. Except this guy was jogging with a Dachshund. A young, not-full-grown-yet Dachshund. Jogging with a Lab, sure. Jogging with a weiner dog, not so much. The dog's legs couldn't have been more than four inches long, and though the guy was jogging in such a way so that he wasn't literally dragging the dog along the pavement, the dog really couldn't keep up. Both guy and dog looked like they were having a blast, but it pretty much just looked ridiculous, which made me laugh and wish I had a camera.

I need a lift out to the DMV place. I'm about to get older, which means my license is about to expire. It would be cool to avoid this, so if you can hook a sister up, let me know. I'll buy you a beer or something.

I get to play with cattle tomorrow. My restraint book mentions at least six times that many handlers have been killed by cattle who kick or crush, and that you should always have an escape route in mind. I do understand the need for safety when dealing with dumb 2,000 lb. animals, but telling me this over and over doesn't exactly make me want to hop into the corral and look at a cow's teeth, which is probably one thing I'll have to do.

Hmmm... naptime, I think.

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