Friday, January 18, 2008

The Confessional

I've been a bad girl. The 'Eych!' video I had up for, oh 8 months, finally triggered MySpace's copyright filter and they removed it from my profile. They also suspended my upload privileges until I complete their Copyright Education Program. Shame on me! I know this is a much worse offense than creating a false profile and harrassing a 13-year-old girl until she hangs herself in her closet. Or posing as a girl to lure unsuspecting teenage boys to meet me at some shady motel. Or sending out the most annoying "Dude, can you believe we went to high school with her? Check out these pics!" virus comment and "Find hott girls who want to party with you in your town! Get laid tonight!" friend request (always from some chick named Desiree or Jasmine).

I need a job. BAD. I am officially freaking out about money now. I really am over the restaurant business though and am trying to stay out of it, but with no luck thus far. Hell, I'm considering applying to work in the dining hall at UGA (yes, still food service, and yes, still for all the same people I can't stand waiting on... but at least I'd get health insurance). Or even- dun dun dunnn- DialAmerica. I hate the phone. That's how bad off I am.

The truth is that I'm a lazy bastard. I wouldn't mind sitting in my house all day long in my PJ's doing nothing and seeing nobody, just watching movies and hanging out with my cats (it's hard to disappoint them). I don't want to do a damn thing. Unfortunately, if I do this much longer, I won't have a house to sit in. Which leads me to...

I think I'm also over Athens. I love this town, but I hate this town. Now that things are the way they are, I feel as if I have no reason to be here anymore. I'm not going anywhere, and other than school, I have nothing binding here. I have a few really awesome friends, but another truthful thing about me is that I just don't connect to other people they way others do. More than once over the past month, I've considered packing it in, packing it up, and moving up to Cincinnati. There I'd have a free place to live (until they drove me crazy...); I could work some bullshit job part-time, and go to school. I already looked into what it would take to transfer into the Vet Tech program there... more than I want to do really, which is what kept me from actually doing it. Because yes, I'm lazy.

I suppose if I'm going to title this blog 'The Confessional', perhaps I should come up with some other Things You May Not Have Known About Me.

1) If you send me a message or an email, it will take me at least two weeks to respond. If I respond at all. It's not because I don't like you. As I said earlier, I'm lazy.

2) I like shoes. A LOT. I wear the same ratty sneakers every day, but my closet holds the truth.

3) I have a third nipple... PSYCH! (or is it sike?)

4) I hate math. I'm taking chemistry right now, which they tell me is science. But they lie. Chemistry is another word for math.

5) I really like making out. You probably didn't want to know this but too bad. It's true. I definitely carry the potential to be a make-out whore (though I think that's much too strong of a word for such an innocuous and often innocent activity). I don't live up to my potential. Here's the funny part... the 2 or 3 times I've made out with someone in the past year (yes... year.), it has NOT been with the on-again/off-again dude. Because he has no interest in such activities. We'll leave it at that...

6) I am more concerned with aging than I should be. I am well aware of the silver hairs that are now intermixing with the brown ones. I use body lotion way more than I used to. I am also paranoid that the small little wrinkles at the corners of my eyes are going to explode overnight into full-on crow's feet.

7) A large part of my wardrobe is made up of clothing that came from other people's closets. One man's trash is another's treasure, you know.

8) Every time I smell Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb... or sorry, Pibb Extra, I think "Man, I want some. It smells good!". Then I taste it and remember how much I don't like it. When I worked at the restaurant, I did this about once a week.

9) I get shit on by birds on a regular basis. I know people who have never been crapped on; it's a once-monthly event for me. I have heard that this could be considered good luck, but...

10) I play a scratch-off lottery ticket once a week, usually on Friday. I've been doing this for at least a year, if not longer, and I've won maybe 3 times. Never more than $2.

11) I like to write long-winded, wordy blogs that most people probably don't finish reading. Oh wait... you already knew that.

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