Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It always happens in threes.

Last Tuesday it was Brad Renfro. This Tuesday it's Heath Ledger. Which 20something still-holding-on-to-a-modicum-of-acting-success-celebrity will it be next Tuesday?

I'd like to thank The Reaver and FBBX! for telling me about www.woot.com. I really needed another website to compulsively check every ten minutes/tempt me to buy gadgets I don't need. Yes. I am addicted. Yet I have refrained from making any purchases thus far.

I am a Good Person. At least I will try to be, but I will be doing so without also getting completely shafted in the end... the story behind this is:
Saturday night I went to Mercury Lounge with Becca (after an already long, but ridiculously fun, day). Alfredo was playing music, a dance party was going, and things were great. I took off my coat and purse and put it on the floor against the wall inside so I could 'dance' (read: look stupid) without interference. More people decided to pile up their coats there too.

Fast forward, it's time to go. I get my stuff, start the walk home. I had some gloves in my handwarmer-pockets (you know, those little slit pockets at chest level) on my coat. I pulled them out and felt something in one of the pockets. I figured it was my cell phone, since I regularly drop it in there. Nope. I reach in and pull out a random iPod Nano.
What I figure is that someone went to move it from their pants pocket to the coat pocket of one of the other coats in the pile, and put it in my pocket instead accidentally. I have no idea who it belongs to; there isn't a name engraved on it and the battery is dead so I can't turn it on. Hell, I really don't even know how to work one...

So when I say I'm going to be a Good Person but not get shafted, I mean I know I would be sad if I lost this.

So I'm going to call Mercury and see if anyone reported it missing. I'll leave my number and say if someone does to have them call me. If it can be described I'll return it, no problem. If I see a 'lost' ad in the Flagpole I'll return it, no problem. I will not, however, turn it into Mercury's lost-and-found because it was lost into my coat, not their floor or whatever. And I know how bar/restaurant lost-and-founds work... it would sit there for 3 days (tops) before an employee pulled a 'minesies'. (Yes, when you lose nice stuff at places, it doesn't hang out there long... you pretty much gotta come back that day for it). I don't think it makes me too evil to think that if the owner doesn't claim it, than I should be the one to keep it. Of course then I'll have to figure out how the damn thing works.

P.S. I went over my alotted 400 text messages last month. By a lot. Soooo.... yeah. If you can just call more, that would be cool. Or don't be offended if I don't respond.

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