Thursday, September 22, 2005

I'd LOVE some cheese with my whine!

It seems that using this as my personal bitch-board actually does help me out. After yammering on in my last post about how the night sucked, I went to sleep and other than the strange spider dream I had, slept very well. And I woke up super-rested. Though I did still manage to doze off again somehow in what was supposed to be the 20 seconds between turning off my alarm and getting out of bed. Luckily I have a completely psychotic (OCD?) cat that insists on staring at me and meowing incessantly as loudly as possible every morning around 7:25 (give or take a few minutes). Who needs an alarm clock, huh?

buncha bullshit

So tonight was a complete waste of my time. I would have been much happier just staying home and reading a book, rather than going out and still being essentially alone at the bar. I didn't go to the show I wanted to go to, partly because of cost, but also because I wasn't sure who was going to be there since the 'group of kids' that were going to go were nowhere to be found. And I'm not one to go to shows by myself, though I should just get over that. I'd probably have more fun. 

Then the people I was hanging out with were instigating shit with some random guy that was standing outside of the LP trying to make conversation. Though random drunk dudes are a pain, I do get annoyed with my friends when they decide to be assholes for no real reason. The other guy that was hanging out (and not being a dick to the drunk random guy) spent a good 60f the time on his cell phone. So I sat there and stared into space because I wasn't about to join the half-brain argument going on around me. I don't give a rat's ass about the coolers and what state of cleanliness they are in or who is supposed to clean them!!! So shut up. 

Then I leave to go meet up with some other kids, but by the time I get there they of course decide to go somewhere else, and plus a bunch of people I don't know are with that crowd too, but I'm not sure where they came from. And one is so smashed that it's impossible to have a conversation at all. What's new? 

So I go back to the original crowd hoping to salvage my mood, but by now it's pretty much shot, so I decide that, hey, what the hell! I'll treat myself to an expensive sissy martini (chocolate, of course) to give myself a mood boost. But alas LP has no milk. So no martini for me. Thus, the evening and my mood are now soured, and the best thing to do is just go to sleep. Plus I do have to work in the morning. At 8 am. Woo Hoo! You should cover for me. I'll be your best friend!!

Or, you can send me presents like chocolate and ice cream (or chocolate ice cream!) and then I'll be all good again. Or you can pay off my student loans... whichever you like.  :)

The 'posted time' on this blog is screwy. It says that I posted it at 5:33 am. Hell no. At 5:33 am I will be very much asleep. It's 2:33 am, ya douche. Get it right.

Mmmm... ice cream... sweet dreams.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

standing still in your past

Yeah, so the subject line for this blog came right from the song I am listening to at the moment. Though the 'Currently Listening' thing is a little misleading since I rarely listen to entire albums at a time. I usually just put the ole' iTunes on shuffle. So it was Wilco (Hummingbird) I was listening to, but it has since switched to 'Day Tripper'. If I have to tell you who sings that then don't talk to me. Oh, just kidding, I'm not that much of a music elitist. But, for real, you should know. 

Beer Tower was a flop tonight. There were only two regular members there, and on top of that E had to leave early to work. (Well, he left early to go to a show that he thought he was getting into for free, but no dice.) Luckily, right before E left, Glum showed up, so he and I finished out the game. And got our asses handed to us on a Chinet platter. See, kids... stay in school. Oh, wait. I stayed in school AND graduated from college. Ok, then, kids... stay in school, and major in something useful (i.e. Not Music!). That way when you become a townie, you can win bar tabs at the local trivia joint rather than paying for all your beer. Anyway, next week Beer Tower is on. I will be sending reminder messages. Trivia Guy missed us this week, and definitely wants us back in full force!

Damn, I overcooked my pizza rolls.

This week was the week for random people from the past to add me as their MySpace friend. I don't mind in the least; it's sort of cool to think that some people you haven't seen in 6 years remember you well enough to add you. Still it boggles my mind because even here in Athens where I see the same people everyday, I still usually feel pretty invisible and forgettable. So it's neat when someone recognizes me from a picture that doesn't really even look much like I did back then. So, bring it, old schoolers. 

I should go to sleep. The pizza rolls are gone, and the drowsiness is setting in. And Van Morrison's 'Moondance' is up on the shuffle. Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?

p.s.   i accidentally deleted this whole blog so i tried to recreate it verbatim, but i probably left out some of the original details. which is why it may seem a bit disjointed. whatever. it'll just read more like the way my brain works. so deal. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

monday, monday

There was no Beer Tower tonight. I was a little disappointed because I have so much fun, but it seems that everyone just needed a night off after the hectic weekend. For those who don't know, when I say 'Beer Tower', I am referring to a trivia team that plays on Monday nights at Taco Stand. We get there a little early and commandeer the middle tables. We drink PBR tallboys all night, get loud and rowdy, and try to scare off the fratties with our drunken debauchery. At the end of the night, we take the tallboy cans and stack them up to the ceiling- making a Beer Tower. Good times. Hopefully we'll make a comeback next week. 

Eric and I are still neck and neck in our dart tournament. We got a couple games in at the LP tonight, but we each won one, bringing the score to   20-20. The first person to win 100 games gets a tattoo. We have a long way to go. 

Tomorrow night (Tuesday), go to Tasty World! Peelander Z is playing, and they are hilarious. If you haven't seen them before, or even if you have, it will be a treat. I will be there, and so you should be too. How do you like your steak??

Saturday, September 10, 2005

strange city this is

I've decided that Athens is one strange city. Believe me, I've known this for a while now, since I've lived here for 6 years, but I have finally figured out the way it makes me feel. One day, I love it so much and I want to stay here forever. The next, I'm ready to pack up everything and just get out without so much as a day's notice. Today was a 'get-the-hell-out' sort of day. I've not been in the best mood lately, but it was just aggravated even more tonight with the crowds and chaos downtown. I ran into so many people that I know, whether they be actual friends or just aquaintances, or even just people that I have seen around so much that I feel that they have to at least recognize me. Yet, it felt like many of them were just overlooking me entirely. Ugh. It gets so frustrating.

Anyway, I went to see some bands play tonight. I saw Timber (I think that's what it's called; Dan-that-works-at-Transmet's band) at Transmet, and thought they sounded really good. Very relaxed. For some reason I didn't think Dan would have a singing voice like he does. Then I went to Tasty World and saw a little bit of Disband, then saw ElectaVillian, Ginger Envelope, and Modern Skirts. ElectaVillian was good- I've seen them before and they are also fairly chill, with a lot of hints of Jeff Buckley in it. Especially in the vocals. I had never seen any of the other bands. Disband was fun, but I only caught the end of their set. Ginger Envelope was nice, with some different instrumentation, but the frontman said that this was not the normal line-up, and many of the regular members were out of town. Modern Skirts was also good, but for some reason (the vocal timbres and harmonies, I think) I couldn't get They Might Be Giants out of my head. As a friend of mine said, they would have done a fantastic cover of  "Triangle Man". 

So tonight I enjoyed the shows, but I do wish I could shake this blah attitude I've had lately. It's definitely hindering my fun! And on that note, I HAVE to go to sleep- it's gonna be a long day at The Grill. I will be drinking beer afterwards, so feel free to come join me probably at Transmet around 6pm!!

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Wasting my time, and yours as well...

So I decided to post one of these 'blog' things, because I know all of you are just so interested in the mundane details of my life. I was off from work today, which was nice, considering the hell that will be dropped on me this weekend. I sense beer in my future, especially on Saturday evening. Who would like to join me?

Last night I went to a free show at my neighbor's house. A band from Miami called Awesome New Republic played. They were in town to play on Live In The Lobby, and since they were staying at my neighbor's house, they decided to do an impromptu house show. It was good even though there were only about 9 people there. The funniest part is that the cops came twice to a 9-person house party... oh yeah, we were so out of control! ;)

Today I went and got my hair cut. It's something that I've found can make me feel better if I'm not feeling all that good about myself. I guess because it's a quick change that can make me feel like I'm bettering myself. I like it so far, but we'll see what happens when I have to actually style it myself. Haha... the last three sentences ended with the word 'myself'. Make that four. It's all about me, you know. :)