Tuesday, September 20, 2005

standing still in your past

Yeah, so the subject line for this blog came right from the song I am listening to at the moment. Though the 'Currently Listening' thing is a little misleading since I rarely listen to entire albums at a time. I usually just put the ole' iTunes on shuffle. So it was Wilco (Hummingbird) I was listening to, but it has since switched to 'Day Tripper'. If I have to tell you who sings that then don't talk to me. Oh, just kidding, I'm not that much of a music elitist. But, for real, you should know. 

Beer Tower was a flop tonight. There were only two regular members there, and on top of that E had to leave early to work. (Well, he left early to go to a show that he thought he was getting into for free, but no dice.) Luckily, right before E left, Glum showed up, so he and I finished out the game. And got our asses handed to us on a Chinet platter. See, kids... stay in school. Oh, wait. I stayed in school AND graduated from college. Ok, then, kids... stay in school, and major in something useful (i.e. Not Music!). That way when you become a townie, you can win bar tabs at the local trivia joint rather than paying for all your beer. Anyway, next week Beer Tower is on. I will be sending reminder messages. Trivia Guy missed us this week, and definitely wants us back in full force!

Damn, I overcooked my pizza rolls.

This week was the week for random people from the past to add me as their MySpace friend. I don't mind in the least; it's sort of cool to think that some people you haven't seen in 6 years remember you well enough to add you. Still it boggles my mind because even here in Athens where I see the same people everyday, I still usually feel pretty invisible and forgettable. So it's neat when someone recognizes me from a picture that doesn't really even look much like I did back then. So, bring it, old schoolers. 

I should go to sleep. The pizza rolls are gone, and the drowsiness is setting in. And Van Morrison's 'Moondance' is up on the shuffle. Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love?

p.s.   i accidentally deleted this whole blog so i tried to recreate it verbatim, but i probably left out some of the original details. which is why it may seem a bit disjointed. whatever. it'll just read more like the way my brain works. so deal. :)

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