Saturday, September 10, 2005

strange city this is

I've decided that Athens is one strange city. Believe me, I've known this for a while now, since I've lived here for 6 years, but I have finally figured out the way it makes me feel. One day, I love it so much and I want to stay here forever. The next, I'm ready to pack up everything and just get out without so much as a day's notice. Today was a 'get-the-hell-out' sort of day. I've not been in the best mood lately, but it was just aggravated even more tonight with the crowds and chaos downtown. I ran into so many people that I know, whether they be actual friends or just aquaintances, or even just people that I have seen around so much that I feel that they have to at least recognize me. Yet, it felt like many of them were just overlooking me entirely. Ugh. It gets so frustrating.

Anyway, I went to see some bands play tonight. I saw Timber (I think that's what it's called; Dan-that-works-at-Transmet's band) at Transmet, and thought they sounded really good. Very relaxed. For some reason I didn't think Dan would have a singing voice like he does. Then I went to Tasty World and saw a little bit of Disband, then saw ElectaVillian, Ginger Envelope, and Modern Skirts. ElectaVillian was good- I've seen them before and they are also fairly chill, with a lot of hints of Jeff Buckley in it. Especially in the vocals. I had never seen any of the other bands. Disband was fun, but I only caught the end of their set. Ginger Envelope was nice, with some different instrumentation, but the frontman said that this was not the normal line-up, and many of the regular members were out of town. Modern Skirts was also good, but for some reason (the vocal timbres and harmonies, I think) I couldn't get They Might Be Giants out of my head. As a friend of mine said, they would have done a fantastic cover of  "Triangle Man". 

So tonight I enjoyed the shows, but I do wish I could shake this blah attitude I've had lately. It's definitely hindering my fun! And on that note, I HAVE to go to sleep- it's gonna be a long day at The Grill. I will be drinking beer afterwards, so feel free to come join me probably at Transmet around 6pm!!

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