Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hello, My Name Is...

Freak Magnet. That's me. I'm also "Oh, I didn't see you standing there" girl. And lets not forget "Multiple Introductions happen here" (as in, someone says 'Hi, I'm ______. Nice to meet you.' Except the whole time I'm thinking 'Yes, I know. I've met you 7 times already... nice of you to remember.'...)

Went to Abbey Road Live tonight. It was lots of fun, and got to see some old friends. And got to good-naturedly heckle the drummer. Also went to see Bling... also very fun. Dancing like a fool involved.

Freak Encounters of Tonight:
       1) Weird guy I've met once at a party coming up to me at Room 13 and telling me that though I probably don't remember him, he remembers everything about me. Creepy. And he kissed my hand like some sort of Fabled Prince at least 3 times.
       2) Another weird guy at the Theatre right after I get there. I'm standing with my friends at the bar and he just walks up and grins all up in my face. Then proceeds to dance along with the music right next to me and elbow me like we're old chums. Then I actually meet the dude, cause he ends up knowing another friend I run into. Still a weird guy.
       3) Nameless employee getting too touchy-feely (with this guy, any touchy-feely is too much). Then tells my friends that he knows them and seems slightly pissed that they don't remember him. Then tells my friends that he and I are good friends, and have known each other for a long time. Not true. Then tells us that we can do whatever we want as long as we don't throw beer at people, but only because I'm 'good people'.
      4)  Strange dude outside informing me that he was on the guest list (uh, so was I...), and saying that he and his friend travel around filming bands. He finds out I know the drummer and wants me to go talk to the band so these dudes can join them onstage for the second set. No. Says a lot of really random things that I just sort of ignore.
    5) Guy at Bling show that comes up to me and a friend after the show has ended. We were sitting at the bar, and had just finished talking to the frontman. Guy comes up and says to us, "So, I was just wondering... that guy y'all were just talking to, what's going on with you both and him?" Since we had spoken to other people too, I point out who I think he's talking about and verify. I tell the guy that I've known the frontman for over a year and that we were saying hello, nice show, etc. Guy says it looks like there is something going on, but wouldn't elaborate. Just sort of smirked like he knew something secret.
     6) While riding my bike home, I get stopped at the red light at the intersection of Pulaski and Hancock. Then this guy I went to school with starts to cross the streed right in front of me, so we sit and chat for about 10 minutes or so. I'm right at the curb, sittting on my bike but leaning onto the curb. This car pulls up in the next lane and is stopped by the red light. I'm not paying attention to them, just talking to my friend. Then I think I hear a "Hey...", so I glance over, and in the car are a man and woman- not students at all, actually sort of thug-looking, and they are both staring at us. We go back to talking, and then I hear the "hey" again, so I look over again, and the woman in the passenger seat looks at me, says "hey, baby" and gives me the upward head nod along with an air-kiss... luckily then the light turned green.

So, WTF?? Where do all the crazies come from?? Is there a night when they are all allowed out of the loony bin? Or are they already embedded in the social society around town, but look at me and think, "Hey, there's one of us! Let's go network!"??

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