Thursday, November 17, 2005

Waiting for the next big way to know I'm alive

I've been really reclusive lately. I can feel myself pulling more inward still, and am looking for a way to shake free of that feeling. I don't want to be a hermit, but I have little desire to do much more than stay home and watch movies. Don't get me wrong; I'm not discontent. Just a little unsettled lately. Or not even that unsettled. Not excited about anything. It's as though someone hit the 'repeat' button and every day just replays with no change. It's probably just because I've been busy (well, busier than usual) with Effie's and Thanksgiving plans went from set and simple to aggravating, so hopefully after the beginning of December there will be an upward trend. Until then... I might see you out, or I might not. But I'm here. Just chillin.

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