Friday, November 18, 2005

Scrambled Eggs and Brains...

That is disgusting. I would never actually eat that. But at Kroger, you can buy little cans of pork brains, and on the back there is a recipe for scrambled eggs and brains... 

In my case, there aren't any eggs involved. Just the scrambled brain. I did a dumb thing and let myself get distracted while riding my bike home from work Sunday around 5pm. I saw a friend walking down Cleveland and waved at her, neglecting to slow down and look before making the turn onto Augusta. So when I turned (too fast and blindly) there was a car coming. In order to avoid a head-on collision, I hit my brakes and swerved to one side, which would have been fine, except for the dirt/sand buildup that's always on that street. So instead of slowing down and turning to the right like I was trying to do, I slid to the left. Thnking 'Oh, shit' and imagining myself on the hood of the car, I thought I should try to bail off the bike into a yard, but didn't make it that far. So I wiped out right on the street about 8 inches from the car's grille. At least that's what I think happened... it's pretty fuzzy, even 2 days later. 

I do remember the people getting out of the car and asking if I was ok. I just jumped up off the ground, grabbed my bike, and started walking away, telling them, 'Yeah, sorry, I'm fine...". Then I was spitting blood, and I counldn't decide it if was from losing teeth or just biting my cheek... and I couldn't really remember how to get home. 

Most details in the 30 minutes or so afterward I have came from Martha, because I showed up at her house freaking out and completely dazed. I remember being there, but don't remember much else. Like that both Mallory and Nathan were also there, or that she gave me some stuff to put on the scrapes on my face. She said that at the time, I couldn't answer the questions she asked me, like where I had wrecked, how I'd gotten home, where my glasses were. I went into my house before going to Martha's and got a washcloth with ice in it for my face, but didn't remember that either. I asked her it if it was hers and she said I'd come in with it.

So I scrambled my brain around a bit it seems. Luckily there doesn't seem like there will be any permanent damage, though I am still a little out-of-it today. (Ha, my typing and spelling are atrocious, but I am able to catch most of the mistakes while doing this). I have had a headache since the wreck. The left side of my face, mostly the cheek and lower jaw, are really swollen and bruised and scraped. Chewing is tricky, and my speech is a little slurred. Mostly because of the big cut on the inside of my cheek from my teeth. No chipped teeth, whew.

So now I look like shit and my face hurts, and my shoulder hurts, etc, etc.... I look like a chipmunk that has it's cheeks stuffed with nuts. Or like I got in a fight. I think that's what I'll tell people now when they ask what happened... you should see the other guy!

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