Monday, November 21, 2005

Flipping the quarter

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 25. Whoo hoo. Actually, I had more fun this birthday than I have in a while. Well, last year was fun, but a little out-of-control, and the recovery time needed last year was more than I wanted to commit to this time around... 

Worked a hellish shift on Saturday. Go Dawgs. Then started the festivities around 10pm. Kelly brought me a present; a chalk drawing over paint she did. It's of me, and it's awesome. I need to hang it up pronto, but I want to seal it somehow so the chalk doesn't smear if it gets touched. Had fun with everyone. I was on the sign at LP. Also went to Room 13 for a minute, and the Farm, and then to Transmet. Scott was in town to play with the Bearfoot Hookers, so I went there to see them for a little bit. Then back to LP, then home.
Sara worked for me on Sunday because Jeff scheduled me though I asked off. She's awesome too. She took me to get some tasty martinis at East/West Bistro on Friday after work. The Godiva martini is absolutely heavenly. 

Anyway, Sunday I got up around 10:30, then ate breakfast at Bluebird with Eric. More fun presents. Erin wanted me to come in to Bluebird, and for once I wasn't working on a Sunday, plus it was my birthday, so hey, why not? Tasty as always. Then a nap. Then dinner at Transmet. Then Effie's rehearsal. After Effie's I went to Taco Stand to celebrate one more time. Ali got me a birthday cake, complete with candles . Free drinks and shots were had. I had a great time. 

Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate with me! You guys are awesome, and I'm glad to know a group of such great people. Extra points to those who were there both Saturday and Sunday . And here's to a good 25th!

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