Monday, February 20, 2006

Dogs love trucks...

Well, actually I found a couple this morning that love bikes. More specifically, moving bikes with people on them. While riding my bike to work this morning I was chased down Augusta by two yapping terrier-sized white dogs. Luckily there wasn't any traffic on Cleveland so I didn't have to stop at the stop sign and risk getting my ankles bitten. Though I've heard of this happening, it's never happened to me, and I've never seen it in real life. It's the sort of thing I thought only happened to mailmen. And only on prime-time TV or PG-rated movies. It was pretty funny, really, because I wondered if they were just going to run behind me the whole time...

Today at work we decided that President's Day is just not festive enough to be a holiday. So we tried to come up with alternatives that would be more fun. The first one I thought of was to change it to Dead Prez Day, and just listen to hip-hop all day. But much of it isn't kiddie-safe, so that won't fly at work. The next thought was Presidents Of The United States Day, but it wouldn't last all day because they only had about two songs. And they weren't very good. And I don't like peaches anyway. The best idea was to just drop the 'id' from 'Presidents' and have 'Presents Day' instead. Just give out little presents to everyone. Small stocking-stuffer type things, but fun nonetheless. Who doesn't like presents?? Next year, next year.

Anyway, I am about to take an epic nap. Not in length, but in quality. It's going to be amazing. And will get me nice and refreshed for Beer Tower tonight!

I'm tired of it.

It... 'It' meaning all... Vagueness (is this even a word?). Being raised up and then shot down in the same day. Feeling not good enough (even though I know I'm better than that). Being blown off at a whim. Then being sucked back in (but why when I should know better?). Everthing. Athens. I love it, but I hate it. The more I think of it, the more I know it's time to get out of here. There is nothing for me here, so why should I stay? My lease is up on June 30. So I have a couple of months to decide what I want to do and where I want to go. If I stay, I will stay in my current house simply because moving all my stuff sucks. But if I decide to go... who knows. I have a few options swimming in my head. But none of them are options that are viable for this fall. So I'd still have 6 months to kill no matter what I do. Ugh. Too much.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

yes, i know this is tiresome...

but I drink a (9.8%) beer or two and then I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm stuck in a sort of limbo right now. There's a big part of me that wants to just throw in the towel and leave town. But the other part doesn't want to deal with the unknowns of doing so. I feel as if my life right now could be a study in mediocrity. Job. Personal life. Social life. All of it. I haven't done anything to make anyone hate me, but at the same time, I haven't done anything to make anyone love me either. I'm not good enough to: get good hours at my current job/get the career I want/go to the grad school I want/fall in love with/accomplish things my relatives think are important. But at the same time I'm not bad enough to: get fired/get evicted/have enemies/bitter exes/be disowned by said family/give up entirely on past dreams. I'm just existing here. Right on the edge. I'm one of those nondescript individuals you see lurking about town. The ones in their mid-twenties to mid-thirties. The ones that aren't ready to grow up, but yet are tired of being treated like a child. There are a lot of us, I'm sure. If only I could find the other ones. I wouldn't feel so solitary.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


There are officially too many douchebags living in this town. Why can't people respect each other? And why are so many people blind to their wrongs? 

I am in a strange mood. I think I ate too much. I am also thinking too much. I am beginning to second-guess some things. When I am unsure, I tend to immediately shove whatever it is into the 'negative outcome' file. The glass isn't half-empty; it's more like someone put it back in the fridge with just one sip left. 

I am trying to decide whether I want to pop into the party next door or just go to bed and sleep off my overly-full belly. Dinner was good (and I was treated by a friend's very nice parents). I had one of those moments of unintentional awkwardness with the waiter; I went to hand him my empty glass, and when he took it he accidentally grabbed my hand. It's funny how slight contact with someone you don't know becomes mild embarrassment. 

Some guy that lives around the corner decided to stab his girlfriend to death with a pocket knife and then chill with her body for a few days. When police investigated, he said that he "got into it with this girl" (while putting on his shoes). And when they asked him where she was, he nonchalantly points to the back of the living room to the mattress her body is on, under a sheet, and says "Right back there". Luckily the majority of my neighbors are not like this.

Friday, February 3, 2006

rollin' in the Benjamins

Hell yeah. I got my tax refund(s) today. What a nice surprise to log into my online banking account and see the sudden little increase in savings. Too bad it only happens once a year. And too bad it was mine to begin with.

Oh, and apparently there is something living in my house's air ducts. For the past week or so, I've caught one of my cats sitting next to the living room vent staring into it for long periods of time. It was freaking me out a little, but that cat's psycho anyway, so I thought it was just her being 'normal'. But no, today I go over there when she's staring down into it, and something runs away. And I heard it in there a couple times. Startled the hell out of me. Guess I'll be calling the landlord about it tomorrow.