Monday, February 20, 2006

Dogs love trucks...

Well, actually I found a couple this morning that love bikes. More specifically, moving bikes with people on them. While riding my bike to work this morning I was chased down Augusta by two yapping terrier-sized white dogs. Luckily there wasn't any traffic on Cleveland so I didn't have to stop at the stop sign and risk getting my ankles bitten. Though I've heard of this happening, it's never happened to me, and I've never seen it in real life. It's the sort of thing I thought only happened to mailmen. And only on prime-time TV or PG-rated movies. It was pretty funny, really, because I wondered if they were just going to run behind me the whole time...

Today at work we decided that President's Day is just not festive enough to be a holiday. So we tried to come up with alternatives that would be more fun. The first one I thought of was to change it to Dead Prez Day, and just listen to hip-hop all day. But much of it isn't kiddie-safe, so that won't fly at work. The next thought was Presidents Of The United States Day, but it wouldn't last all day because they only had about two songs. And they weren't very good. And I don't like peaches anyway. The best idea was to just drop the 'id' from 'Presidents' and have 'Presents Day' instead. Just give out little presents to everyone. Small stocking-stuffer type things, but fun nonetheless. Who doesn't like presents?? Next year, next year.

Anyway, I am about to take an epic nap. Not in length, but in quality. It's going to be amazing. And will get me nice and refreshed for Beer Tower tonight!

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