Saturday, February 11, 2006


There are officially too many douchebags living in this town. Why can't people respect each other? And why are so many people blind to their wrongs? 

I am in a strange mood. I think I ate too much. I am also thinking too much. I am beginning to second-guess some things. When I am unsure, I tend to immediately shove whatever it is into the 'negative outcome' file. The glass isn't half-empty; it's more like someone put it back in the fridge with just one sip left. 

I am trying to decide whether I want to pop into the party next door or just go to bed and sleep off my overly-full belly. Dinner was good (and I was treated by a friend's very nice parents). I had one of those moments of unintentional awkwardness with the waiter; I went to hand him my empty glass, and when he took it he accidentally grabbed my hand. It's funny how slight contact with someone you don't know becomes mild embarrassment. 

Some guy that lives around the corner decided to stab his girlfriend to death with a pocket knife and then chill with her body for a few days. When police investigated, he said that he "got into it with this girl" (while putting on his shoes). And when they asked him where she was, he nonchalantly points to the back of the living room to the mattress her body is on, under a sheet, and says "Right back there". Luckily the majority of my neighbors are not like this.

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