Friday, November 9, 2007

a day in the life...

I am convinced that calves are the cutest baby animals in the world. Cuter than puppies. Cuter than kittens. Baby cows win hands-down. They have such soft hair and long skinny knock-kneed legs. They're clumsy and curious and will act up to get your attention. They have long pretty eyelashes, and will 'nurse' on your fingers for ages. They are just fricken' adorable. If I could have a baby cow (that would stay a baby cow...) in my backyard, I would. Except I am sure my landlord would, well, have a cow. Har har.

I got my shot. So that's done. I'm not sure if there was some sort of minor reaction, but after I had the vaccine, I went to Transmet and ate a calzone and drank a beer. Then I went to Target to get gloves and cat litter. By the time I got home I felt awful- almost like I had a really bad hangover, but how in the hell could I have given myself a hangover like that with one beer consumed with food and water? My head was splitting, I was freezing, and I felt a little nauseated and dizzy. I turned my furnace on with the thermostat on 70, turned the spaceheater in my room all the way up with my door mostly shut, stayed fully dressed (jeans, socks, shirt) and added a big long-sleeve flannel shirt, and crawled under my down comforter. At 6:20pm. And I woke up at 1:30am. Then I went right back to bed, and slept until 8 this morning. Feeling better for the most part.

As everyone has probably heard by now, because this is Athens and word travels fast, this morning the owner of The Grit jumped from the College Ave. parking deck. Pretty crazy. I happened to walk to work this morning, and while walking up Washington Street, saw all the emergency vehicles and the sidewalk roped off. I saw them closing up the ambulance and then it drove past me. But I didn't know what was up until later when a coworker arrived. He had witnessed the whole thing. I am glad that I was 10 minutes too late for that. Either way, it's a bummer. My sympathies go out to his friends and coworkers and family.

It did make me think... we as human beings are fragile. It doesn't really take much to be here one minute and be gone the next. I think a lot of people sort of take living for granted. They think they are invincible. You see this all the time- in the way people drive so recklessly around here, they walk out into the street without looking, they do generally stupid shit that most of the time ends up causing no harm but could go horribly wrong. Most of the time they are just in a hurry. Today was a day of non-regulars at work, and lot of them kept telling me that they were in a hurry. I wanted to tell them to just chill and actually enjoy their lunches and their company and their current free time. To not be in such a hurry to get on with it, to move on to the next thing. Why the rush? If you hurry through life, you get to the end much sooner.

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