Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Where do these 'sponsored links' come from?

As usual, these have nothing to do with me.

Went to a hog farm today. It was a last-minute facility change, so our planned lab couldn't apply. We were supposed to see a nursery and read ear notches and actually catch and pick up a pig, but there were no little pigs at this farm. This was more of a feeder-finish farm, where he gets the pigs at around 7 weeks of age, grows them for 18 weeks (up to about 250 lbs), then sells them off for slaughter. Though I didn't get to actually handle a pig, this was kind of neat because it was a for-real hog operation, instead of a squeaky-clean teaching facility. As in there were 4 hog houses, each with about 1000 pigs. And in one pen, there was a pig who had died sometime in the past couple hours (probably from stress, said the farmer) getting gnawed on by the other pigs. I bet I wouldn't have seen that at UGA's facility. The farm owner had one of his workers go get the carcass when we left the house. I asked what they did with the dead ones, and he said "Oh, we got a hole we throw 'em in.". About pigs: they're cute in the 'so ugly it's cute' way. They're EXTREMELY loud. Squeal is more like scream. They're prone to hernias. And Good God, the stench. By far the smelliest animal I've dealt with yet.

You wanted to discuss things further. I said call me when you have time. I guess you changed your mind.

21 days to go. Followed by unemployment (so far at least).

I will probably not get an A in Microbiology. I'm just hoping for a B in Algebra.

I sort of wanted to go look in that hole.

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