Thursday, November 22, 2007

I guess the sliced Tofurky will have to do.

Today is Thanksgiving. I have no plans, and it's a little delicious- though turkey is delicious too, but I can eat that whenever.

  Technically, my day of nothing started yesterday after I was cognisant enough to move; with each birthday celebration, recovery times get longer. Last night I watched "Kinky Boots", partook of the half-bowl I found, and ate ice cream. Delicious. I thought about going to the Cheeseburger show at Go Bar, but fell asleep. I woke up at 2:45am to the loop of the dvd menu music.

  Today I slept in, and so far have yet to make myself in any way, shape, or form presentable to leave the house. I've been drinking coffee, playing on the internet, and will probably use today to clean my house and do laundry and shit like that because it desperately needs to be done.

  Oh, I also saved another anole from feline jaws of death. My cats were so distracted by me opening a can of food that they didn't see him sitting 8 feet away in the bathroom doorway. I managed to drop a tupperware container over him before they noticed, and got him back outside.

  I need a job. If any of you people's workplaces might be hiring, let me know so I can fill out an application.

  Speaking of the above, I have never felt as unwanted, unappreciated, and generally worthless as I did this past weekend, and now every time I enter that building I feel nothing but contempt. A sampling of things I heard include 'Good. You have no business working there anyway." and "Once we get her out of the way..." Also getting screamed at like a 6-year-old for adding up my own credit card tips (no, I don't trust the managers' math. Yes, I've caught errors on many occasions, and was one of many employees whose tips were being 'skimmed' by one manager who was eventually fired for stealing) and seeing another coworker get screamed at for wiping down the counter using Windex (since that's what we use to clean EVERYTHING). Nothing but disrespect up in there.

   My neighbor's dog has been barking non-stop for over an hour. He's also trying to dig under their gate. I don't think they're home, so I hope he doesn't get out. I do wish he'd shut the hell up though.

  Many thanks to everyone I saw Tuesday night. I had a great time! Karaoke was a blast, as was pretty much the whole day once I was finished with my tests. It was an eccelctic group of people, but I think it worked out well. I hope everyone had a good time!

  I think I was going to say something else, but now I can't remember. The barking has got me distracted... Happy Thanksgiving!

Edit: After I finished writing this, I signed out. MySpace must have heard my plea for a job, as this is the ad that was on the "Signed Out" page:

she looks scary.

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