Friday, November 16, 2007

I fell asleep writing this last night.

For the first time in two years or so, my hair is all one color. Even the grey ones.

Tuesday night. It's my birthday. I'm going to call Shokitini and see if they have a room available. I'm thinking 9-11pm. Drinks. Microphones. Let me know if you want to come! (I'd like a guesstimate headcount).

Kevin and I did a trivia show for a private party at Buffalo's last night. It was a fraternity social. They hired us once before. Nice kids, but on the clueless side.

If what I've heard is true, though you'd lie if I asked you about it anyway... gross, dude. And it means that my decision to be done with things is only that much more concrete. You are too old to be messing around with girls who still have a '1' at the beginning of their age.

December 20 may be it for me. I'll most likely decide today.

On Wednesday, by going to a meeting and paying $15 in dues (which pays for our group t-shirt), I scored not only free dinner (Olive Garden ravioli) but also a free year-supply of Advantage flea treatment for two of my cats. A field veterinarian from Bayer came to speak to us about fleas and their new prescription product, and got the company to give us the hook-up. Many thanks to Bayer from all the SCNAVTA kids!

Now- off to work. To be followed by schoolstuff schoolstuff schoolstuff for the next 5 days. No rest until Tuesday night.

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