Saturday, February 2, 2008

Groundhog Day

This morning Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter, if you believe in these sorts of things. The article I read said there were an estimated 15,000 onlookers present for the animal's prediction, and that in the 122 years the event's been happening, he's seen his shadow 97 times. Looks like a conspiracy to me...

No one claimed the pocket-found iPod. It's been 2 weeks, so I can safely assume it's mine now. I still have to get it charged- I don't have the proper USB cable.

I've decided to purge some BS from my life. Meaning getting rid of the things that upset me. In doing so, I might have hurt some feelings but I frankly just don't care anymore. It's time to start over.

Chemistry (aka MATH) can suck a dick. Even though I got a 100 on the first exam. It still can suck it. And A&P, you're making my brain implode a little bit every day. The bones/processes/fossa/foramina aren't too bad, just a shitload of memorization. But the muscles all look the same. Yes, they're easy enough to identify in a book in which they are all nicely colored in with colored pencils. But on a dog/cow/cat/goat cadaver- it all looks like chicken. And damn, there are a lot of them.

You know in the movie, when he's living the same day over and over and over again? Yeah...

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