Friday, December 2, 2005

blah blah

Things are going alright for the most part. I feel like I'm really busy, but in reality I just finally have a few things to do other than work. Thanksgiving was a bit of a trial for me, though still nice. Other things are moving along smoothly. Work is work. Effie's has a show on Saturday. It will be great! You should come and see us. (midnite at the GA Theatre... only $5) Though I love Effie's, I will be glad for the break we get after this show. I haven't seen Family Guy in so long!!I will possibly elaborate on some of this later. Or maybe not. Depends on if I'm up for it....

In other news, I went to the Christmas parade tonight. I am not a big fan of parades, especially since I have been in more parades than everyone I know combined and they all sucked. Well, watching this parade was really no different because it also sucked, except that I didn't have 10 lbs of brass strapped to each arm. The Creepiest Parade Float of All-Time Award goes to a float that I assume was for a church. It consisted of a giant box that was decorated to look like a big gift. The sides would open up, and inside was a portrayal of the crucifiction of Christ. Some dude dressed like Jesus appearing to be nailed up on a rotating cross, blood and lolling head and all. Merry Christmas, kiddies.

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