Saturday, December 24, 2005

catching up

I just realized that I never did elaborate on that last post. Now that I am sufficiently bored, I can do some of it now. However, I have reached a level of boredom in which even mindless yammering is boring to me. Since it is boring to me, I can only assume it is equally, if not more, boring to you. But you know what?? I don't care. You can deal with it. Or quit reading now. You have been warned.

The weekend of December 10 and 11 was one of excessive amounts of partying. First off, on the 10th, there was Bill's Famous Christmas Dinner Party thing, where at least 150 townies show up at his house to eat good food and drink good drinks and it's all free. On top of that, everyone is dressed to the nines, and there is really no stranger sight than all those kids that you see every day that MAY have showered sometime in the past week or two only now they are all in suits and dresses and heels and all that jazz. Quite posh, really. 

That night started off rather shittily for me, however, seeing as how my water had been turned off because of a break in the line. So I get home from work and need a shower, and it's not fixed yet, so my landlord decideds to be a pal and turn it back on for me for 10 minutes so I can bathe even though it will create a mini-geyser in Martha's yard. Little did I know that also meant that the water would NOT be clear, but that nice red-dirt color. I let it run as clear as it will, then shower, only to find that halfway through the shower the dirt snuck back in there. So I basically took a mud shower. I looked clean, but had anyone licked me, I would have tasted like dirt. Awesome. 

The party itself was fun- lots of booze, food, and people. There was a group of Effie's girls there, and when we get together obscene amounts of boob-grabbing and ass-smacking and such occurs, and there are a few choice pictures of such. Everyone got quite toasted. By the end of the night, I was being tackled by Thom repeatedly and was invited to accompany a married couple to their home. Not for drinks and good conversation...I passed on that one, and split a cab with Fred around 4am. 

The next night was the Grill's holiday party, which is known to many for being a legendary throw-down. We had 3 full kegs, a torpedo keg (Yum. Wake n' Bake), and lots of other things to poison ourselves with. Food was yummy, and the secret santa was good. Jeff (the owner) was my secret santa, and he gave me a framed 8x10 photo he took of me about 3 years ago at a football game. Yes, I was a Redcoat. I am in my uniform on the sidelines before halftime, and waving like a 'tard. The bottom of the picture is captioned 'Band Dork'. It's great. There were Moon Boots that someone got as a present that people were jumping around on, and just a general good time. The sink in the men's downstairs bathroom 'somehow' was broken off the wall... ahem... There seemed to be a strange moment where everyone decided to kiss each other for the hell of it. Lots of craziness. Left around 5am, walking with Matt and Eric. When we left, Bill was sleeping in table 1, Thom was in table 5, and Scooter was in table 6. It's not a party until someone is sleeping in a booth or someone else pukes on the keg. Great time overall!

 Well, this is stupidly long. There are a few other things I wanted to say, but I'll give you a reprieve for now. Wouldn't want you to strain your eyes.

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