Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Crunkmas!

Here I am, sitting at my grandmother's house in Cincinnati. As nice as it is to come visit, I get horribly bored. No where to go. No one really to go see. My dad lives here, and right now my aunt from Chicago is staying here as well. With her twin girls. They are still babies, and cry a lot. And scream when they aren't happy. And get into things. And their mom has a tendency to be a little over-reactionary (is that a word?) with them. Also, because there are two of them, they have to sleep in separate rooms because both cribs won't fit in one. So even though I got here a day earlier, as soon as my aunt got here, I got kicked out of the guest room so she and one baby could sleep there, and they other extra room has the other baby. Meanwhile, I got downgraded to a couch in the unfinished basement. Awesome. Nice to get away from Athens, though.

The airport was interesting, because even with the thousands of people there, Erin and I were the most visually interesting. Or strange. Either way, we got stared at the eintre time, and I can't figure out why. The baggage guy found it really humorous that we have the same name. But amazingly enough didn't ask me if I packed my bag myself or if I had let it out of my sight at all or check my ID.

Thursday night I went to some sports bar that's down the street with my dad. There was a cover band playing called Twenty Years Later; you can guess the stuff they covered with a name like that. They actually weren't bad, but I wasn't in the mood to be yelling over Neil Young and Pink Floyd covers. We got a lot of strange looks from people, because whenever we go out here, no one knows who I am, and they just assume that he's some old guy with a young girlfriend. It gets pretty funny sometimes. Well, he proceeded to get pretty drunk, and when that happens he gets annoyingly sentimental, says things like I am the only thing that saved his life, he knows he made mistakes, blah, blah, etc. Then he gets stubborn and argumentative, and generally annoying. Eh, whatever, I just tell him to stop it and he does, but it still grates on my nerves.

Last night everyone came over here, because my family does Christmas on Christmas Eve. So the whole family was here, eating, drinking and opening presents (well, the kids were opening presents). It was fun, cause when eeryone gets together, they are nuts. And everyone does get along really well. My family members are a bunch of shit-talkers and one-liners, so it's fun. I got perfume and Bath And Body Works stuff from my aunts. Is that a hint?? My younger cousin made me a couple pairs of earrings, and my older cousin (older as in 35) gave me a Target gift card. So I didn't go completely presentless this year. My grandma sent me money earlier in the month, plus she ordered me a nice 26" upright Samsonite suitcase since I'm using here old leather carry-all one that she's had for 40 years. The wheels will make it so much easier!

I'm about to go see the one friend I still have up here; a girl I've known since second grade. She's cool, and we've gone to her house for her parents' Christmas Day get-together every year since then. Sort of strange to still know someone after 17 years. Especially when you haven't lived in the same state regularly since 1994.

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