Saturday, December 31, 2005

Counting down

Here it is... New Years Eve. Your last chance to make 2005 everything that you hoped it would be. Your last chance to accomplish those things that seemed so important at this point last year. And your last chance of this year to be with the people you care about. Let them know you love them, because who knows what 2006 will bring. Now is also a good time to wipe the slate clean. If you're holding a grudge, let it go. Hateful emotions waste energy. If you hate your job, let it go. It's just a job. If you're not content with where you are in life, at least try to be happy with where you are *at this moment*. Because you've got a lot of time to get there. What better way to start off the new year than simply happy?

I know there are some things I want to work on for this next year. I wouldn't call them 'resolutions' because I don't believe in resolutions. People make resolutions each year and rarely see them through. But I will think about some things. And I'm going to start small. With cleaning my house.  :)

Now go have fun!!

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