Monday, April 17, 2006


Someone, somewhere is out to make me lose my mind. Or I've entered some sort of bizarro world where things are straight-up loopy... Case in point, just now, while typing the word 'bizarro' my curser went berserk and took off on a tangent of z's, like this 'bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' but tons more, without me touching the keyboard. And today I thought I'd play the responsible adult and put out my recycling even though the bins weren't full. I was the only person on my street to put them at the end of the drive. I get home, and someone has made off with both my bins. Where am I supposed to keep all my empty beer bottles now?? Then my cat puked on the floor. Can I please get a break? Thanks. I don't want to be the crazy cat lady quite yet. Give me 10 or so years.

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