Monday, April 17, 2006

Fuck Easter

It seemed like it might be cool, but it really wasn't. Work was so slow it sucked. I didn't make any money, yet wasted 8 hours of my time there. Then I got home and one of my cats had tried to jump on top of my fridge, knocking the freezer door open. So my freezer was just sitting open all day. Not only will that be hell on my power bill, but everything in there thawed out completely. Not just a little thawed, but actually room temperature. So I can't refreeze it. What sucks the most is having to throw away my ice cream. I love ice cream. I went on a cooking rampage so I could salvage what I can. Made chili and taco filling and then burgers for other people and a steak for me. Tomorrow I will cook all the chicken I had frozen. I would grill it, but apparently I left the rack for my grill sitting somewhere in my yard and now I can't find it. I think my landlord threw it away. So now my grill is useless. Then I finally went to chill out next door and drink some beer. Everything was cool until someone came over to my house and left the door open. There went a cat. Had to go find him and then wrangle him back inside. Then someone decided to partake in what was not theirs. A beer was taken from my fridge that did not belong to me. (I have other beer that is mine that is available...) I took it away and explained why they couldn't have it- it wasn't mine to give away, and it wasn't replaceable. But in the 10 minutes I was outside looking for my cat, that same beer disappeared. So now I feel bad about that. I mean, it's just one beer, but I feel bad that someone else's stuff can disappear from my house, and the beer itself is not the point. So I called a friend (I guess... though I don't treat my friends this way) who might have been currently in the company of one of the people who could have taken it, since the dude I wanted to ask doesn't have a phone and I can't call him directly. While explaining why I was calling to this person I was ridiculed, then the phone was passed around the group of people this person was hanging out with in some sort of pseudo meet n' greet or whatever (though half of those people thought I was someone else and called me by the wrong name). And then this person hung up on me. Classy. So now I feel like utter crap. Because in the end, it seems like everything comes back to me; no matter what, it's all my fault, just like I've been hearing since I was 5 years old. So fuck today. And fuck this town sometimes. And fuck people who can't take control of their actions or who can't be responsible for themselves. And fuck people with malicious intentions. And fuck people who somehow get off on hurting other people's feelings. And where the hell is my Easter basket with chocolate bunnies and Peeps* and jelly beans?? Yeah, fuck it.

*even though Peeps are gross, they still belong in the ideal Easter basket.

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