Sunday, April 2, 2006

I can wait no longer

This past weekend was a nice one. A good old friend of mine got married to her high school sweetheart, and I was a bridesmaid. It was a simple wedding and a short reception, which was nice because even though I didn't have to do much, I was exhausted afterwards. Everything went off without problem until after the reception, when the bride's father was helping to set the church sanctuary back up; while replacing a part of the stage he ripped his palm open on a nail. So he got to spend the next 4.5 hours sitting in the ER bleeding on his rented tux. Seven stitches later, he has a nice permanent reminder of his daughter's wedding day.

I can not wait any longer. I must stop being an overgrown baby, suck it up, and go to the dentist. It has been a VERY long time since I've gone, though I've been lucky and have never had any serious problems. However, a particular molar has started being a little fickle about what substances come near it, and then last Thursday I noticed a dark speck that I hadn't seen before on another tooth. I do not like doctors of any sort, and am especially terrified of the dentist. But it has to be done if I don't want to end up like those bums sitting on the benches on College Ave. So if anyone has any recommendations for local dentists who will be nice to me and not make me feel stupid for (possibly) crying like a baby, let me know. Payment plans and good painkillers are a plus... Hook a sister up.

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