Friday, April 21, 2006

what for?

Tonight I sat on my porch after grilling some food and watched the lightning. It reminded me of when I was little my dad and I would sit out on our back patio and watch storms at night in the summer. Sometimes he would be listening to a Reds game on the radio. It was always really nice. Unfortunately, this evening I didn't have any company. Sitting out there alone just made me think, and tonight I thought mostly about the idea of progress.

Everything in life has to have a progression; motion of some sort. Many times, outside factors seem to be standing still, but usually there is still something changing- something internal being influenced by what is happening in the external. Things are constantly evolving; ideas, relationships with others, responsibilities, hairstyles, material possessions, everything. People always hope that they are changing for the better, always wish to be moving forward. But what I think is that it's not really the direction of the change that's important, it's that something does, in fact, change. Progress. Moving forward, backward, sideways, anywhere, is far superior to just existing in an idle state. Because, if the elements of life don't ever change, than what's the point? It's just a waste of time. And it's not really living.

Based on this theory, any aspect of my life, any situation I am in, if it's not progressing forward, not seeming like there's any future in it at all, than logically I should in turn cause what would be backwards evolution, and end whatever it is, and then try something else. Because then at least I'm not standing still. But I don't. I stay in a loop. I give people too many chances. I ride it out, and think that maybe next week things will change themselves. I often think this is because I'm lazy, or unmotivated, or just not sure of where I want to be right now. But then I think that maybe it's that I just don't really believe that I have a future, so why even try to get there.

A woman sees her friends
Continuous distraction
She fills up her days while she waits for phone calls
A life in evidence
Is evidently lonely
We all need a tale to tell

Maybe it's time I went where I was wanted.

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