Saturday, February 23, 2008

On Old Olympus' Towering Top

 A Fine Vocal German Viewed Some Hops.

I feel some unnecessary need to write a blog because it has been almost 10 days. Also, I want to bury the lame-o mope session that made up the last one. However, that will take 5 blogs, and I sure as hell don't have that much shit to say.

Today all of my 'Sponsored Links' are Indiana Jones-related. Two are for Indiana Jones Ringtones, one is from a website called that has the "Indiana Jones fedora made famous by the movie!", and the last is from a place selling Indiana Jones Apparel. If I were looking for some new threads a la 1930's college professor/archeologist, I'd know where to go. Though I would need mine in Short Round sizes.

Martha found my camera! The one I lost on New Year's Eve. I was less bummed about losing the camera itself than I was about the fact that I have never lost anything like that, and was annoyed that it had finally happened. No matter my condition, I have always made it home with my wallet/phone/keys/camera/whatever else. It was almost a point of pride. If I didn't have it with me, it was simply in someone's car or house, and not actually lost. And I knew where I'd left it. This time the camera was gone. Except it wasn't. Seems it fell out of my bag and ended up under the bed in the room I slept in. So yay!

School is still going fine. More than halfway through, I've got a steady mid-high A in Vet A&P and I should have either a high B or A in Chemistry. I thought I'd bombed the hell out of my last Chem test, but ended up with an 89. On top of that there will be some extra credit, too.

Just finished scrubbing my bathroom. Not the most fun, but now it looks pretty again. Will probably do a little more cleaning, then head downtown to the coffee shop.

Not a lot else going on. Glad for the pretty day today. Been a good week. Hope it keeps it up.

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