Monday, February 25, 2008

superfluous post no. 2

The first being the last one.

That was NOT a mixolydian scale.

Today's activities: hot tea for breakfast, followed by a lounge session on my couch watching two movies back-to-back while eating cheese and crackers, followed by early evening coffee and chemistry homework, ending the day with a calzone/PBR/laptop goof-off combo at Transmet.

The movies I watched were completely unrelated to each other, and were chosen arbitrarily; Jurassic Park and Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

The cheese and crackers were an homage to my late grandfather. He was a chip man (just like my dad), and when I was little I'd sometimes go on his route with him. His routes were shorter and easier than my dad's, which is why I liked to go. Plus we always ate lunch at Skyline Chili in Clifton. When we got home, we'd each have a plate of cheese and crackers and a Coca-Cola, and settle into the recliners in the family room. I always liked that, even though the only channels he watched on TV were the ones with scrolling stock tickers at the bottom.

A full day of TV screen/laptop screen/textbooks makes my eyeballs feel like shriveled grapes within their sockets and makes my brain unable to function on even a semi-intelligent level. Were you to attempt a conversation with any sort of depth with me right now, I'd probably just stare at you and nod. Maybe drool a little too for effect.

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