Tuesday, February 26, 2008

superfluous post: quatre

Today has been a drowsy kind of day. Rainy this morning and overcast this afternoon. There has also been some major wind going on... sort of eery. One second the wind is kicking, the next it's deathly still. Good thing it's not really tornado weather- I can't think of anyplace in my house that would be effective as shelter. They tell you to go to the innermost room or hallway, one without windows, and I don't have either of these. The neighbors have a basement so I'd probably just bum their shelter.

Yeah. Today is the kind of day that makes me wish I had cable, even if only for the background noise. I want to veg out on the couch and watch crappy TV and eat crap food, maybe take a nap. Instead I have to pick a movie. I just finished 'watching' SNL: The Best of Will Ferrell. Luckily I can still take a nap.

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