Thursday, February 7, 2008

Pockets full of posies

       I'm a packrat. I have trinkets and papers and whatnot from all sorts of things scattered in drawers and boxes all over my house. I have a box containing drawings, homework, standardized test scores, report cards- hell, you name it- dating back to 1986. (Is it strange that I'm the one that has these things and not my mother? I took them because she was going to throw them all away, and well, see below and you'll see why... A bit metaphorical if you know of our relationship). I have a bag of my most loved childhood stuffed animals (remember Pound Puppies?) and a box of other kid-things... the baseball cards I got from cereal boxes, a few real (as in all metal) Hot Wheels cars, a glow-in-the-dark Rice Crispies Duncan yo-yo and a Duncan Butterfly yo-yo, the Battleship game (manual, non of that electronic shit), Hearthrob boardgame, etc. etc. etc...

       I have a particularly weird thing about photos and letters/cards- I have never been able to throw any of them away, because for some reason I feel as if I'm throwing away a small part of the person the item came from. As if I'd be somehow affecting them in a physical way, like a voodoo doll or something. I just can't do it. This leads me to have school photos of kids I haven't seen since 4th grade. Every birthday and Christmas card ever sent to me. Every postcard, letter- even every note passed to me in middle school. Papers all over the place.

       So now I'm trying to finally get this place cleaned up and organized. I'm trying to pare down, not only because I really just should, but also because there may be some changes in the coming months. So what to do with that I just can't part with? 
     It's been two weeks. You were the same (careless douche) you always have been. I got pissed, and sort of fucked up with the way I let you know I was pissed. The straw that broke the camel's back. Moving on.
   - Things not belonging to me returned.
   - All written correspondence sealed up and put away (not discarded- see above).
   - Certain other items also put away.
   - Phone number deleted (more to prevent text-stupidity on my part than anything).
   - The acceptance that that's it. For real this time.
    The severance is almost complete. I just have to wait for the dull ache within to subside. 'Till then...

    Today I found the first four-leaf-clover of the year. Actually it was two; they were right next to each other. I brought them home and they joined the others in good ole' St. Martin's Handbook. The only thing I have ever used this textbook for is pressing four-leaf-clovers. For you who are interested in such things, the small patches of clover along Pulaski St. always have lots of four-leafers. For me, those are one of the few things I don't have to look hard to find.

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