Saturday, March 1, 2008

The moments that make up a dull day

Theme for this past week: Liver destruction. It regenerates, right?

In an attempt to somwhow make myself feel better about my current place in life, I've reverted to some old self-destructive/self-satisfying tendencies. Nothing too bad, but hollow just the same. There will be no lasting connections, if anything because I will purposely drift off or make myself completely unavailable whether I really want to do so or not. Partially because that is just how I am, and partially because I really just don't want to go there right now.

Kind of going along with the above, what I keep thinking will help me move on isn't. At the end of the day, after everything else, my thoughts always return to one person. Pointless, I know, for many reasons. It's just too late. Out of sight, out of mind... not true. I'm sure at this point, and under the circumstances of the parting, it's a one-sided problem.

I was supposed to have registered and paid for next quarter by 3:30 pm yesterday. I didn't. I'll have to do late registration if I can get my ducks in a row. If not...

Finally a nice day that's not just nice looking from the inside. That cold snap earlier this week was no fun. My little Weatherbug tells me the forecast for Monday is highs in the lower 70s. Yay!

I really want to go to Six Flags this year. Every year, there will be a group of people who are all about it, but then it never happens. I need a roller coaster fix. It's been way too long! Also some trips down the Broad River are in order. I didn't go once last year, though I bet it wasn't great with water levels being so low. I'm thinking that listening to your boat scrape the river bed for 4 hours is not tons of fun.

This morning Joe decided to get creative and pee in my tub, right over the drain. If they're going to go where they're not supposed to, I'd say that's the best place. If only I had more than one toilet in this house, I'd totally potty-train the cats. With enough thought, I may be able to rig up something removeable... Also, whenever I stretch out on my couch, like I am now, Oliver becomes a permanent fixture on my feet.

We were given an extra freebie get-things-done day this year, and I wasted it by hanging around my house, lying on my couch napping and watching movies. Go me.

Every time I decide to change my song on my profile, I can never find the song I want. Apparently no matter which artist I choose, my favorite songs are not the same ones as everyone else. I also can't understand why there are so many artists' pages with the same songs on them. I know people make 'fan' pages so they can upload their favorite song to put on their profile, but then why do all the fan pages have the same two choices?? Why go to the trouble to make the fan page for a particular song when nine other people have already done so? Of course, when I do find the song I'm looking for, it's either a live/demo/acoustic version, or the 'add' function is disabled. Which is why now you get to listen to Gene Pitney instead of what I was originally looking for.

I have two tests this week. I really need to study for them, and would like to go downtown today to do so. It's funny, but I actually get more done away from home because I get less distracted by things like this. However, I don't know if I'm up for coffee right now what with the return of some issues pertaining to a minor-but-ever-present health condition. Stress has brought some symptoms back on that I'd been free of for a couple years, and I no longer have a prescription for the beta blockers I used to take to help with them. If not the coffee shop, I can't think of anywhere that's really appropriate downtown to sit and study for a few hours. There's always decaf, I guess.

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I was told a long time ago that I should get said condition checked out every few years by the proper specialist. That would have been in 2002, maybe. I have yet to do so, because that also means an echocardiogram, which the first time around cost about $1400. As an uninsured individual, that took me a couple years to pay off. Damn expensive healthcare...

Damn expensive everything. We should go back to the barter system. However, I don't have any goats. Only cats.

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